10 Benefits of Being More Assertive

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You will come across all sorts of people in the course of your life, some too aggressive and others too passive. But there are very few assertive individuals out there, and being assertive has a lot of perks as you will soon find out.
1. Be your own master
An assertive individual is not a slave to anyone. Unlike a passive person who is trampled upon by anybody and everybody, an assertive individual can hold his own, no matter what the situation is.
2. Better relationships
If you are assertive, you will have the ability to say no without offending the other person. This will ensure better relationships especially at work where an assertive individual can be the heart and soul of his team.
3. Less stress
An assertive individual has only as much on his platter as he can handle at a time. Hence, he can lead a stress free and happy life unlike some pushovers who are forever dominated by their counterparts and stay immersed in stress all the time.
4. Have your way
You can have your way by being assertive without creating a ruckus. Unlike an aggressive individual who only tries to forcibly have his way and ruffles up a lot of feathers instead, an assertive individual has his way while maintaining solidarity with others.
5. Improved productivity
Less baggage implies that an assertive person can focus better on the job at hand instead of spending the majority of his time doing petty tasks for others. No wonder, an assertive individual is always at the top of the pyramid when it comes to performance.
6. Win others’ respect
An assertive individual will be lauded by others no matter where he is. Assertiveness is never gonna be ignored and such a person is the center of attention wherever he goes.
7. Better negotiation skills
Needless to say, assertiveness can do wonders to you when it comes to interpersonal communication and bargaining. You will never have to be satisfied with anything less than what you set out to achieve.
8. Improved self-esteem
An assertive individual is filled with confidence to the brim and has high self esteem. Unlike a passive person whose self image is almost non-existent, an assertive person spends his days with his head held high.
9. Less workplace conflict
Assertiveness ensures a peaceful atmosphere in office and prevents conflicts form happening, whether petty or grave. Thus the workplace atmosphere is always peaceful and friendly.
10. Achievement of goals
If you have gone through all the points above, you might have deduced it yourself that assertive people are achievers. They are the ones who achieve what they set out to, and are able to always hit the bull’s eye.