10 Best Virtues for Life

Photo Courtesy: Yuri_Arcurs ©crestock.com
Life can be complicated at times. We give you some of the virtues that you can follow so that you stay on the right path and never lose your way. Check out some of the best virtues for life.
1. To thine own self be true
Honesty is a virtue that one must always abide by. However, for you to be honest with others, you must first be true to your own self. The latter, in most cases, can be tougher than the former. You may be able to fool the world but you must never feel scared to face the facts and accept them. If you are always honest with yourself, you will have a clear conscience and this will give you the courage to face any situation in life.
2. This too shall pass
They say that change is the only constant. You live your life in phases and while every bad phase is followed by a good one, every good phase eventually turns into a bad one. Never make the mistake of getting carried away with the happiness because things will eventually turn bad. On the other hand, do not let bad times bring you down because that phase will also not stay forever.
3. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you
Whenever you feel the line between right and wrong getting blurry, ask yourself, “would I like it if someone did this to me?” and you will know what is the right thing to do. Remember that the other person is also human being and also has a heart that can feel and get hurt.
4. Forgive and forget
They say forgiveness is a gift that you give to yourself. This is very true and sometimes it becomes more important to forgive yourself and forget your own mistakes than others’. As soon as you forgive yourself and the others, all your pain melts away. You feel free. Holding on to grudges will only make you miss out on life and all that it has to offer.
5. Life goes on
Life waits for none. When you face a big tragedy in life or have a broken heart, you may feel that the whole world is crumbling around you. You may not feel that there is any hope and that you can never go back to the kind of life you were leading. This is not how nature works. Remember how you were still alive before that tragedy occurred or before that special someone came to your life? So, know that time is a great healer and things will soon go back to normal.
6. Contentment is the key
You might always find your glass half empty and that of others’ as half full. This is a common human tendency. We always feel that we could be happier if we were living someone else’s life. However, you should also remember that no matter how rich, famous, and established you are, you will always find someone who is richer and has accomplished more than you. You are the one who has to learn to find contentment with whatever you have. Know that the people on the other side of the grass find yours greener than theirs.
7. There are two sides to every coin
Always remember that there are two aspects to every situation. Life cannot always be either black or white. So, before you pass a judgment on someone or declare a person as saint and the other as wicked, make sure you know both sides of the story. Likewise, always see the pros and cons before you jump at an opportunity.
8. Be the change you wish to see in the world
If there is something that is bothering you to bits, do not wait, watch and grumble. Remember that if you are not a part of the solution, then you are invariably part of the problem. If you feel something is not right with the world around you, take the initiative and make whatever little contribution you can to bring about a change.
9. Be the reason for your own happiness
If you depend on others to bring you joy, then you will more often than not, get hurt. People will not always be able to fulfill your expectations and this will eventually make you feel sad. You must understand that the only one who can bring you true happiness is your own self. If you train yourself to always see the good in others and find a silver lining in the darkest of hour, no one will be able to take that happiness away from you.
10. Do your best and leave the rest
All that you are in control of are your actions. Beyond that, the outcomes and results may not always be in your control. Learn to give your best in every situation without worrying about the outcome. Just know that while you see your world from the eye level, there is a higher power that has a bird eye’s view and is trying to keep you safe from possible hurdles. So, while you might think something as an opportunity, it might later end up being a bad decision. So, do not try to control the outcome and know that whatever happens, will be for the best.