10 Tips to Earn Your Boss’ Respect

Photo Courtesy: U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv
It’s everyone’s motto to rise fast in their workplace, and one of the first way that comes to mind is by getting into the good books of your boss. But the question is how? The answer is quite simple. Just try to do the right things at the right time, and see yourself being lauded by your boss. Just try to nurture the following qualities in yourself:
1. Responsibility
You should be someone your boss feels is responsible enough to be entrusted with a job. The only way to ensure that is by doing your present tasks well so that whenever a responsible person is required to carry out any activity, your name comes first to your boss’ mind.
2. Honesty
You cannot get far by lying and feigning appreciation when you hardly mean it. Accepted that it is sometimes courteous to compliment your boss but that shouldn’t encourage you to take part in false praise. Your boss will easily see through your brown-nosing and it will do you more harm than good. Besides that, even in other work related matters, try to be as truthful as possible.
3. Confidence
There should be an aura of confidence surrounding you. Be optimistic and ready to take on a new project rather than whine about it. Do very task assigned to you with confidence, and watch yourself gain respect in the eyes of your boss.
4. Time-management
As in other spheres, here too time management is of great value. If you are asked to complete a task within a certain time frame, make sure you do it. Then you don’t have to worry about anything else as your efficiency will speak for itself.
5. Competence
It is of paramount importance that you be competent in your job. If you are unable to execute the most basic tasks that your job demands, then forget about gaining your boss’ respect, it is doubtful whether you will be able to hold on to your job for long. Hence, knowledge and competence in your field of work is primal for success at the workplace.
6. Communication
Always keep the lines of communication open, be it with your colleagues or your boss. Open discussions can solve many problems.
7. Challenge
Always be ready to accept a new challenge. If a new project comes up, be the first to volunteer rather than hide under a chair.
8. Problem solving
Rather than creating problems for your boss, try to solve them. This way, you will be able to gain a great deal of respect in the eyes of your boss. Every organization needs good strategists and problem solvers, so try to be one.
9. Appreciation
Don’t just try to take all the praise even for a group activity just to get respect from your boss. In this way, you will only polarize your colleagues. Rather, show appreciation where it is due.
10. Courage
Be bold enough to admit your mistakes, and say sorry instead of finding some lame excuse to cover your ineptness. Find where you went wrong, learn from it, say sorry and move on. Your boss will definitely respect you for this.