10 Ways to Energize Yourself

Photo Courtesy: 666isMONEY ☮ ♥ & â˜
Say goodbye to lethargy and procrastination by following these 10 simple ways which will leave you feeling energetic, enthusiastic and well-equipped to tackle your day productively:
1. Get proper rest and good sleep at night
A good night’s sleep is the ultimate thing that can energize you. If you are sleep deprived, you’ll end up feeling exhausted, depressed and irritated. So ensure you get a peaceful sleep. Don’t drink coffee or tea in the evening, switch off the TV, laptop and other gadgets and sleep like a baby.
2. Wake up early
Early bird indeed catches the worm. Waking up late will result in a tense and rushed morning, which will drain you of your energy pretty soon. To avoid that, wake up a bit early. Stretch or go for a morning walk. Have a relaxed breakfast and start your day with a peaceful mind.
3. Eat a nutritious breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do not underestimate its importance. If you eat wisely, you’ll feel energetic enough to start your day on a positive note. Make your breakfast a healthy mix of carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables. Add few fruits or juices to make it wholesome. Don’t eat heavy fried food in the morning, it will make you feel drowsy.
4. Meditate to get the positive energy flowing
Take a deep breath and meditate. Concentrate on nothing. Just let your mind relax. Even a ten minute meditation session can rejuvenate and energize you for the rest of the day.
5. Avoid unnecessary gossip
To keep your energy levels up, you need to recognize things that drain you of your energy. Unnecessary gossip and random phone calls are some of the things that waste your energy. Stay away from them and use your energy on something productive and positive.
6. Plan your day in advance
Pen down how you want to spend the next day. Plan and organize your whole day as effectively as possible. Categorize various tasks according to priority and urgency. Planning will help you provide a clear perspective and energize you for a clean start.
7. Declutter your life
Too much of clutter sucks your energy. Having a clean desk at office gives you a renewed sense of vigor to do your work. Same holds true for the home too. Don’t let the clutter get you down and rob you of your energy and enthusiasm. So get started today and declutter your life.
8. Think positive
Positive thinking energizes your mind and soul. Stay away from negative thoughts, situations and people. Feel the energy and power of positive thinking by opening your mind to positive thoughts and people.
9. Exercise regularly
Try having a regular exercise regimen. It helps to increase your metabolic rate and energy levels. But make sure you exercise properly, else you may have the opposite effect.
10. Eat healthy and lead a good lifestyle
Eat nutritious and balanced food, maintain your ideal weight, stay away from drugs / alcohol and lead an active lifestyle. You’ll find yourself brimming with energy.
Follow these simple steps and find yourself full of energy to take on whatever life has to offer!