12 Reasons Why You Should Set Goals

Photo Courtesy: lululemon athletica
Setting goals is important because of several reasons. One of the many reasons is that goals motivate you to make your life better. Here are some more reasons why you should set goals.
1. Goals help you to be clear about what you want
Goals are important to get things clear in your mind. So, do a short brainstorming session in your head and set some achievable goals. Determine the time period for each goal of yours. This will help you to be clear about the kind of future you want to have and the kind of things you want to do in your life.
2. Goals encourage you to achieve what you want
Take a pen and a paper. Now, write down all your goals and look at this list often. Setting goals will help you to stay motivated. There are times when you don’t feel like going ahead and materializing your dreams. There are times when you fail to achieve your goal despite making several efforts to do the same. Your ‘Goal List’ will help you to encourage yourself. It will help you to try and try until you succeed.
3. Goals help you to stay ambitious
Everyone has some dreams and everyone faces some temporary setbacks. One might feel that these two things are very different from each other but the fact is that they are not. With dreams, come a lot of failures. You might fail to achieve one of your goals several times but this doesn’t mean that you need to stop the efforts to achieve it. Every person in the world has faced failure at some point of his/her life. Setting goals will help you to consider failure as a normal and temporary setback. It will also help you to stay ambitious, to work harder and not to lose hope.
4. Goals help you to make the right decisions
Your ‘Goals List’ can definitely help you to make the right decisions. For instance, if you have a goal of establishing a company in the upcoming 5 years then it is important for you to save a lot of money for that. There are times when you want to spend money blindly on luxuries. So, if someday you feel like splurging money on a car that’s too expensive then look at the ‘Goals List’ and you will know if that car is worth it. Your list will help you to decide if you should buy that luxurious car or if you should save that money for your dream company.
5. Goals help you to make complicated plans simple
Make sure you write down the steps for every goal you’ve listed out. For instance, if you want to establish a company in the upcoming 5 years then you must make a list of all the steps that are supposed to be involved in the process. You must write the first step (Save a certain amount of money), the second step (Buying an office), third step (Establishing contacts), fourth step (Hiring qualified professionals) and so on. This list will help you to go by the plan and keep your task simple.
6. Goals help you to remember things
Your ‘Goals List’ will help you to make sure that all the details are taken care of. It will also make your plan easier to achieve and well organized. Your list will help you to remember all those important steps that have to be taken and all those dreams that have to be fulfilled.
7. Goals help you to stay away from all the doubts
Doubt creeps into your mind when someone laughs at your dreams because they are so tough to achieve. Doubt can make you lose faith in yourself. It can really make you give up on your goals. So, set a goal, write it down on a piece of paper and never consider yourself too weak to work hard. Your dreams will be shattered many a time but your goals will remind you to complete the journey you began. They will strengthen your confidence and keep you going.
8. Goals help you to stay guilt-free
You might feel guilty because of the failures you had in life. For instance, if you fail to establish your business even after making a little investment for the same then you will feel guilty. You will want that money back so that you could make your family’s life better with it. Once you set a goal, you ought to learn not to blame and punish yourself for a failure. Instead, your goal will make you feel happy for everything that you learned from your failure. It will also make you appreciate all the hard work you put in and for not giving up yet.
9. Goals help you to reduce the chances of failure drastically
Goals keep you motivated. They also instill the ‘Never Say Die’ spirit in you. They make you unstoppable to work harder for success. All these factors reduce the chances of failure.
10. Goals help you to learn time management
Goals help you to learn how to manage time. They make you dedicate a specific time period to each step of the plan. All this makes you a more organized person.
11. Goals help you to be responsible in life
Everyone knows that every single person in the world is responsible for his/her own actions. Despite knowing this fact, some people blame others or even God for their failures. This is one of the biggest mistakes every single person commits at some point in life. Goals help you to understand that you are the only one who is responsible for your actions. They help you to be accountable as well.
12. Goals help you to lead a focused life
A lot of people lead an aimless life. Goals help you to determine what exactly you want to do in life so that you don’t waste your time doing useless activities too often.