20 Tips to Get work Done Faster

Photo Courtesy: Travis Isaacs
If you know how to get work done faster, you will have so much free time that you can accomplish twice the amount of things than you ever thought possible. Read ahead and find how to get work done faster.
1. Make a list of all the things you have to do. This will help you organize your thoughts.
2. Prioritize. Before sleeping, spend 5 minutes on things you have to do in the morning, and their order.
3. Keep room for impromptu delays or tasks.
4. Focus on only one important task at a time and finish it as soon as possible.
5. Always think about the task at hand, and not how much time you are taking to finish it.
6. Get help. If there is a lot to do, ask for help.
7. Combine leisurely tasks with important ones. This way you can get work done faster. Say, you can combine cleaning your shelf and talking to someone on the phone.
8. When things go haywire, stay calm and think fast about how to handle the situation.
9. When dealing with people, be polite and use your charm.
10. If you know you are to face a queue, reach there the earliest and find a task to do while waiting.
11. Use public transport, or get a driver. Accomplish things when traveling.
12. Ensure you have Internet access all the time, so you can wind up online work fast and anywhere.
13. Do not compromise on your food or exercise time. The healthier the body, the faster you get things done.
14. Turn your mundane tasks into interesting ones by discovering different and fun ways to do them. You will be able to get work done faster.
15. Believe that with every day, you become more efficient. Internal motivation works wonders.
16. Introduce rewards for completing things that you abhor. Hunger for prize will increase your speed.
17. Alternate physical and mental tasks. This way your body and brain get breaks between successive things to do.
18. Competing with someone on certain tasks will help you finish those tasks faster.
19. Develop a habit of beating the deadlines.
20. Each day, introspect in things you could have done in a better way, and then do them in a better way the next time.