4 Reasons Why Gratitude is the Secret of Happiness

Photo Courtesy: abcdz2000
Everyone in the world should be thankful to the people who help them in their day to day life,; you must also learn to show appreciation towards others and also should show kindness. One must always learn to be humble and have gratitude, only then we can be happy and also make the people around us happy. Sometimes a simple “thank you” can make you and the other person get a smile on the face. It could be for offering a seat in the bus or picking up something falling down or something as big as blood donation. Saying thank you is always a follow up of a good deed. Here are 5 reasons why gratitude is the secret of happiness.
1. Being thankful provides the realization of what we have
One must always possess the quality of being thankful. It is very important to be content and happy with what you have and be thankful about it. If we always have a realization about what we have, it always helps us to remain happy and at peace.
2. Appreciation brings a smile
We must always learn to appreciate all the good things that happen and also appreciate the good people in our life. We feel really happy when someone appreciates our gestures and similarly when we do that to others, we make them happy.
3. Being grateful helps us to be a better person
When we show that we are grateful to others and appreciate them we show that we realize their gesture and kindness and we thank them for it. This makes the person happy indicating that this gesture was noticed and appreciated and he would always be willing to help you again. This way you will feel happy that you were thankful to the person who helped you and you can always rely on him.
4. Entitles you to certain gains
We must always appreciate and respect people who help us and show gratitude towards them. If we don’t do it, we must not expect the world to help us or appreciate us. If we don’t appreciate others’ kindness no one will be willing to help us. We need to show respect and kindness in order to receive it from others.