5 Challenges That You Can Set to Make Yourself Successful

sxc.hu: sflood02
Does success come overnight? No. Does success come easily? Definitely not. Can you do something to set yourself up for success? Yes. How? Challenge your mental and physical abilities and make success a way of life. Here are 5 challenges that you should take to set yourself up for success.
Challenge #1: Face a fear
When you face a fear, you challenge yourself to do something that you are not comfortable doing. It makes you a stronger person. If you are afraid of heights, go and stand on the balcony of a high rise apartment. After all, it is all about challenging yourself, isn’t it?
Challenge #2: Live on a budget
Living on a budget is a challenge you can set to poise yourself for success because of one simple reason – you learn how to plan. If you want to be successful, planning and budgeting will be some of the most important challenges that you will face. And what better way to practice than implementing it in your own life?
Challenge #3: Kick a bad habit
Whether it is smoking or drinking, we all know that it requires guts of steel and strong determination to kick a bad habit. You will need both these qualities to become successful. Challenge yourself and test your determination to the fullest by quitting a bad habit. You will emerge stronger, happier and healthier.
Challenge #4: Make a to-do list and follow it
To be a successful person, you will need to prioritize your tasks and work towards achieving them one by one. The best way to practice the same in your own life is to make a to-do list of the things that you need to get done on a daily basis, whether it is finishing chores, going for appointments or taking care of paperwork. Start ticking off things from the list as you finish them and challenge yourself to complete the list as per schedule.
Challenge #5: Learn something new
Whether it is a new hobby, a new language, a new subject or a new musical instrument, challenge yourself to learn something new outside your work and comfort domain. Successful people need to adapt themselves to be able to comprehend and understand the unknown, and this challenge will set you up to do just that. Challenge your mental and physical abilities and start learning something new today!