5 Essential Tips for Advancing in Your Career

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Irrespective of what field your career is in, there are a certain set of rules which you ought to follow if you desire to grow and advance in your career. No matter how qualified you are, unless you make a mark in the eyes and minds of those people who matter, your growth will be stagnant, and you will have to do more than what is necessary in order to make any desired progress. Here is a list of the essential tips you need to keep in mind for advancing in your career:
1. Be On Time
They say that half your work is done if and only if you are on time. Never mind if others are being late or you are the one who literally unlocks the door of the office in the morning. When your boss sees you seated at your desk even before he/she has arrived, it makes a great impression. You portray an image of responsibility and people will begin to trust you more.
2. Attract Attention
In everything that you do, try and attract the attention of as many people as you can. Even if you do not need to, subtly put across what you are up to and what you have accomplished. Let, for a while, people think you are bragging; change the topic immediately but mention what you are proud of in passing. Be proactive, be polite with everyone in your workplace, follow the basic office etiquette, and people will know you by name and face.
3. Be Less Modest
Enough of modesty! To tell the truth, it does not work that fast. Being modest is fine, but as long as you do not want rapid escalation in your career. The trick is to accept credit graciously. When someone appreciates you for something you have done, thank that person and say that you are glad that your hard work has paid off. Do not just say things like “It was nothing” and so on.
4. Talk To People
The biggest key to success in most careers is networking. Learn to talk to people a lot. Even if you are, by nature, an introvert, you can at least greet people whenever you meet them, ask them what they are up to, talk about general topics and move on. Make it a point to come across as someone who talks less rather than one who does not talk at all or talks too much. You must know all your acquaintances at least by face if not by their names.
5. Work Smartly
There is no alternative to working hard. But a catch—you may not have to work hard always. Every hard work has a smarter way out in which you need to employ lesser time but the result achieved is as good. Learn these tricks of working smart rather than hard and you will discover how people marvel at your competence.
These are the 5 essential tips which you must follow in order to advance in your career and achieve what you really desire.