5 Great Anger Management Techniques

sxc.hu: tiano69
Anger is one of those negative emotions which can prove to be the most fatal ones and can result in grave circumstances, if not handled properly. Bad words uttered or abusive actions or gestures made under the influence of anger can create many problems. Thus, it is important to know how to manage your anger when you end up being in such a situation. For your rescue, we present to you some helpful anger management techniques.
1. Take a deep breath
Taking deep breaths while you are in a heated situation is the most fundamental response that can be made. It is the most commonly used technique to control anger and is used by many high profile officials all over the world.
2. Timeout
Counting up to 10 and counting reverse from 10 to 0 is also a way to eliminate anger from the mind. It really helps to defuse the frustration as the mind only tries to successfully complete the counting task and tends to forget whatever happened, thereby reducing the amount of anger. This technique is not just for the kids but works pretty well for almost everyone.
3. Indulge in prayer and meditation
Prayer and meditation are also ideal ways to keep the mind away from frustration and anger. One should always stick to one’s values and should never forget that there is a good person inside oneself.
4. Recall the good times
Whenever you are furious with yourself or with someone else, try to think about the best moments of your life. This would surely make the mind feel relieved. It removes the pressure from the mind and it becomes delightful thinking of those moments of happiness and emotional ecstasy.
5. Look for solutions
If someone has committed a mistake which has affected you in some or the other way, then instead of being angry at him/her, you should try to find a quick and immediate solution to that problem and also to those which might creep up in the future. Always remember that anger would do no good to anything and would only worsen the situation.