5 Habits That Will Make You A Very Happy Person In Life

Photo Courtesy: The Welsh Poppy
Everyone keeps raving and ranting about being happy. But how does one actually stay happy? Only through good behavior, well meaning actions and good habits, right? If you want to be genuinely happy, then cultivate these 5 habits.
1. Don’t speak ill of others
Friends, always remember to treat others the way you would like to be treated. If you maliciously gossip and speak ill of other people behind their back, they are going to get to know somehow and they’ll surely try to back at you. This is one of the great habits of happy people that you must cultivate too.
2. Respect yourself
One of the best habits of happy people is that they love and respect themselves. If you’re the type to constantly take digs at yourself, scold yourself, think negatively about your self-image and end up with a low self esteem, then it’s a pretty bad start at being a happy person, don’t you think?
3. Don’t think of what others will say
There are many people in this world who are extremely talented, but get bogged down by always thinking about what other people will say- whether it is related to what they are wearing, how they are behaving or what decisions they take in life. A fab habit of happy people is that they live for themselves and do things that they enjoy. They do not waste their time by thinking of what other people will say.
4. Don’t compare yourself
Benchmarking yourself against friends and competitors is a good habit for healthy growth, but overdoing it can have ill effects on your conscience and self esteem. Get rid of this bad habit of comparing yourself to others and always complaining about what you don’t have. Happy people learn by comparison, they do not grow bitterness out if it.
5. Be an optimist
If you’ve read biographies of famous people, you’ll find a common thread that one of the main reasons that they’ve been happy is because they’ve had the good habit of always thinking positively. Don’t you think that the “nothing-can-stop-me” attitude adds an extra zing of freshness in your thoughts?