5 Mistakes That Will Dampen Your Confidence For Life

Photo Courtesy: erix!
“What an idiot Robin is” said Stephen, fuming away. “What the hell happened?” asked Victoria. “My younger brother Robin is suffering from really bad self esteem. By saying and thinking about things that he shouldn’t, he’s on his way to dampen his confidence for life” replied Stephen. “Tell me what he has done to dampen his confidence for life” asked Victoria.
Mistake #1: Overestimating yourself
The biggest mistake anyone can make in life is to think that he/she has qualities that they don’t really have. “That’s a really wrong way to boost self esteem, isn’t it?” is what Stephen had to say regarding this mistake that Robin always made that would dampen his confidence for life. If you have this habit of overestimating yourself friends, then make sure you learn to take criticism from someone who can openly talk to you.
Mistake #2: Believing other people’s opinions about you
“I always tell Robin that getting carried away by other people’s positive or negative opinions about yourself is a terrible mistake that can dampen your confidence for life” said Stephen. “That’s true Stephen. You never know what the other person’s vested interests are in praising or criticizing you” pondered Victoria. Do you see the point? Stick to your self belief and self confidence. Nothing else matters.
Mistake #3: Constantly care about what other people think about you
When Stephen told Victoria about this mistake that Robin was making that would dampen his confidence for life, she has an interesting insight on it. “After every action I took, I too, used to boil half my blood on thinking about what other people were thinking about me! But that helped me in no way. I was just dampening my own confidence for life and lowering my self esteem. Now, I just do the right thing and don’t think about repercussions with other people” she proclaimed with confidence.
Mistake #4: Apologizing even if it’s not your fault
Stephen also mentioned how Robin was being plagued by the habit of apologizing unnecessarily. “Once I overheard him making the mistake of apologizing to his friend for losing his book. And it wasn’t even his fault. Someone else had lost it and put the blame on Robin” said Stephen. “Oh, this is a terrible mistake that could dampen his confidence forever” said Victoria. “You must ask him to stop apologizing to everyone. Stephen” she added.
Mistake #5: Criticizing yourself all the time
It’s great to be critical of yourself, your work and your behavior, but what’s the point of going overboard? One of the biggest mistakes that could dampen your confidence for life is to not praise/criticize yourself from time to time and be happy with the things you’ve done. After all, you’re all what you’ve got, right?