5 Reasons Why Most People Never Accomplish Their Goals

Photo Courtesy: cudmore
If goals are meant to be achieved, why don’t most people achieve them? Why is it that only some attain the sweet taste of success and others don’t? If you have ever pondered about these questions, read on to know the top 5 reasons why most people never accomplish their goals.
1. Dissuasion
If you thought that the task of goal setting and goal achievement is easy, you’re wrong. Not only do you have to fight with your own self but also with the opinions of others around you. And unfortunately, other people will always be ready to dissuade and criticize you rather than encourage you. This is one big reason why most people never reach their goals.
2. Exhaustion halfway
It’s a pity that many people quit their game on the very last step, not knowing that they were so close to reaching their goals! Why most people don’t accomplish their goals is because they start off with enthusiasm and confidence but burn out somewhere in the middle as they don’t have enough patience to see themselves through success.
3. Lack of belief
If you’ve ever set a goal yourself, you would have experienced talking to yourself and assuring yourself that what you’re doing is right. Many a times, people start losing faith in their own goals and give up halfway.
4. Fear of failure
Fear of failure is not only a big reality to reckon, but also plays a huge role by not allowing people to accomplish their goals. The foundation beneath many people’s feet starts shaking the minute they start to think “What if I fail?” This allows them to take their focus and energy off their goals, leading to failure.
5. Lack of preparation
Whether it is a famous celebrity, a business person or a basketball player, if you see the level of preparation of successful people, you’ll be truly amazed. Setting goals and achieving them needs proper thinking, scheduling, implementation strategies and so on. This makes it obvious that lack of preparation is one of the top reasons why most people never accomplish their goals.