5 Reasons You Shouldn’t be Afraid to Ask for Help

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Are you generally afraid to ask for help? If you are, you could be missing out on some precious advice or guidance from a loved one, friend or co-worker. Here are some of the top reasons why you should not be shy to ask for help.
1. You will get to learn something new
Asking for help from others will allow you to expose yourself to something new. Whether it is a piece of homework in school or important presentation at work, asking for genuine help from a friend or co-worker will give you a completely new perspective. You may stumble across a method that makes things easier or you may even get to learn a few new things from him or her.
2. You may avoid a life changing mistake
People do something despite knowing that they could be making a mistake, just because they were too shy or too afraid to ask for help. One of the disadvantages of taking this route in everyday life is that you could make a life changing mistake. As an example, a construction worker may be shy to ask for help in maneuvering a large piece of wood because it is considered to be an easy task. But because of his lack of experience, he drops it and causes thousands of dollars worth of damage, costing him his job. Such a mistake would have been avoided if he had mustered up the courage to ask for help.
3. You will make new friends
You will be amazed at how generous and kind people can be. But you will only see the benevolent side in someone’s personality if you ask for help. In doing so, you may end up making friends for life in the most unsuspecting people. As an example, you may become fast friends with a random girl in the train, whom you asked for help with your luggage. A simple helping hand may lead to a conversation, exchanging numbers and adding each other on Facebook. This could evolve into one of the best friendships you have ever had.
4. You can get help for your addictions or conditions
People with addictions and other conditions are the ones who should never be afraid to ask for help. Timely help can truly be life changing and the best part is that there are many sources of help including friends, family and organizations which specifically deal with such issues. As an example, a lifelong alcoholic may be saved from a life threatening disease when he seeks help from a charitable organization which deals with addicts.
5. You will find it easier to trust people
Some people may be afraid to ask for help just because they don’t trust others. As an example, a girl may not want to ask for help with her relationship problems because she is afraid that her friend won’t be able to keep a secret. In everyone’s life, there comes a time when this barrier needs to be broken and help needs to be sought. When you finally overcome your insecurity and ask for help, you will realize that trusting others is not that difficult after all. When people will willingly help without breaking your trust, you will begin to see the better side of human nature.