5 Tips on How to Value Yourself

Photo Courtesy: Gatanass
Everyone on this planet has a purpose in life. Do not think that you do not matter just because you have had a few bad experiences which have made you believe that you are less worthy of the good things in life. Your contribution does make a difference and whatever you do or not do does indeed set off a chain of events which affects a lot of other people. So remember that, if you do not value yourself, others never will. If you cannot love and respect yourself, do not expect others to do so. Listed here are 5 effective ways how you can value yourself:
1. Learn To Say ‘No’
You are not supposed to make sacrifices and please everyone and therefore you do not have to say ‘yes’ to everything people asks for. Remember that you must listen to your own instincts and heart as to whether you want to do something or not and just because someone has asked you to do something, you do not have to agree or concur. Learn to say ‘no’, make people know that you are not to be taken for granted, and you will realize how much people value you.
2. Have a Positive Attitude
Always have a positive attitude. A negative attitude develops when you think negative or harbor too much negative feelings and beliefs which eventually make you think that the good things in life are a myth, and that you are unlucky. Instead, think positively, take charge of your life and see how beautiful it becomes when you realize how much you are worth.
3. Love Yourself
The most important aspect of valuing yourself is to know how to love yourself. Remember that if you sacrifice a lot for the good of others, you actually will never do any good to anyone because the natural love will not flow from you. You must like yourself first and then spread the love. You will be amazed at how people will revel in your company when you start loving yourself.
4. Do Not Take Others Too Seriously
The opinion of others really does not matter. We listen to what others have to say because we want to be accepted in society. So if you find others delving in matters which are personal, none of their business, and does not interfere with their liberties in life, tell them so, ignore them and move on. This way you will elevate your own worth.
5. Know Your Worth
You must know how much you are worth. Your knowledge, your experiences, your expertise—all add up to a valuable human being; added to that are your characteristics as a person, your wisdom and so on. Never underestimate yourself and think that you are incapable because whatever you are capable of is something you should be proud about.
The trick to value yourself is to look up to yourself from the perspective of another person and praise yourself to whatever extent you can. You will see that you most certainly do have value. Moreover, following these 5 effective steps will essentially ensure this.