5 Tips to Develop Presence of Mind

Photo Courtesy: Ed Yourdon
Whether it is to handle your personal affairs or your work sphere, you need to be completely focused and be calm in order to work. Lack of presence of mind can lead to serious disasters. You can be forgetful, fail to pass information and miss out on important details. In order to prevent this from happening, here are 5 tips to help you develop your presence of mind.
1. Listen attentively
Some people like to talk more and hear less. In order to build a rapport with someone whether your working or managing your home affairs, you need to know what other people are saying; they are not just sharing opinion but valuable information which is very essential for you to do something. Do not switch off when someone is talking to you.
2. Be observant
Presence of mind basically implies concentration and focus. Lack of focus and a distracted mind are signs of low presence of mind. While someone is doing something and you need to be able to understand or replicate that, it is very significant that you observe them carefully. If you do not observe, it might cost you.
3. Learn to multitask
Sometimes people lack a presence of mind because they are juggling various tasks. When they are engaged in one activity, they are busy thinking about something else; either what they have already accomplished or what needs to be done, which results in task at hand from not getting enough attention.
4. Don’t carry emotional baggage
As a human being, it is natural that you cannot completely compartmentalize your life. You have personal problems which become so unbearable that you think about them even while you are at work. You are lost, unable to focus and make errors. You need to train yourself that you cannot afford to make mistakes here. At least you must have control over certain things in your life.
5. Help yourself prioritize your tasks
You need to learn to prioritize tasks. If there is something that is very important, urgent and you cannot proceed without doing it, try to get it done so that the thought of it does not nag you all day.