5 Tips to Hold on to Your Decision Firmly

Photo Courtesy: len4ita
It is easy to take decisions but it is difficult to stick by them. You can be challenged about your decisions by others or you can even start having second thoughts about yourself. Here are tips you can use to be firm about your decisions in life.
1. Understand the rationale behind your decision
It will be very easy to be firm about your decision if you completely understand the logic behind it. Suppose you took a decision to implement a new strategy at work, and you are challenged by a co-worker. It will be easy for you to back your decision if you understand the rationale behind it. You will instantly be able to prove your point and give the valid reason behind taking that decision.
2. Learn to trust yourself
Sometimes it may happen that even if you have taken the right decision, you may backtrack on it simply because you don’t trust your own instincts. If this is often the case with you, develop more trust in yourself. Start trusting your gut feeling and develop trust in your own abilities. Trust your knowledge, wisdom and thought process so that you can be confident about the decisions you take in your daily life.
3. Do things that make your decision benefit everyone around you
In every area of life, you will have to do things that make your decision look beneficial. As an example, it is very easy to make a decision about a policy change at your workplace. But you will have to put appropriate procedures in place to make the policy change worthwhile and to prove its effectiveness in the respective working environment. You will have to work hard to fully implement this decision but once the company or your team starts reaping benefits, everyone will praise your decision. For every little or big decision that you take in life, make sure that you work hard to prove that it was the right decision.
4. Take opinions before making decisions
You will be able to hold on to all your decisions firmly if you take the opinion of an informed person before making the decision. If your decision is about your work, it may be a good idea to take opinion from your superiors. If your decision is about your relationship, you can take opinion from your trustworthy friends. The best part of taking opinions is that it is up to you whether you want to incorporate that piece of advice in your decision making process or not.
5. Don’t let emotions overpower you
Sometimes you may need to take tough decisions in your life which may be the right thing to do, but they may also cause some amount of pain or frustration. They can affect you, your friends or even your partner and family members. It is decisions like these that can become very emotionally challenging. As an example, you may need to make a career move and work overseas for six months on a new project. You will need to stay firm about your decision to go despite the emotional please by your partner who does not want to be away from you.