5 Ways To Be Emotionally Strong And Fight Back

Photo Courtesy: tramod
“Fighting back by being resilient is easier said than done” said Jose, 31. “You have to deal with a whole gamut of emotions and train your mind to be calm and not get agitated”, he added. Friends, whatever crisis or road blocks you may have hit in life, fighting back by being emotionally strong will always keep you in good stead. Here are top 5 ways you can do it.
1. Find yourself a new purpose
The easiest way of fighting back by being emotionally strong is to keep your mind occupied by finding a new purpose in life”, advised Jose. “Constantly being angry about your crisis situation will only fill more negative thoughts inside you. This might mean involving yourself more with your kids, your hobbies or with the community at large”, he said.
2. Accept what is going on
“Why is it so that some people are better at fighting back by being emotionally strong than others?”, asked Jose. “That’s because they are in better control of their feelings and are emotionally aware”, he continued. Folks, what Jose meant to say was that constantly fighting with yourself is not going to work. Accept the fact that a crisis has occurred in your life and start thinking about the means with which you can fight back by being emotionally strong.
3. Meet more people
“I can completely understand if you are in a state of withdrawal symptoms and don’t feel like meeting anybody. But what you don’t realize is that hearing other people’s stories about their crisis and challenges will only help you better in fighting back by being emotionally strong”, explained Jose. Now, that’s an interesting insight, isn’t it?
4. See the positive side
This tip that Jose gave us on fighting back by being emotionally strong reminds us of an old proverb – ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’. Jose explained that you must try and see something positive out of your crisis and challenges. This positivity will help you boost your emotional quotient and help you fight back calmly and effectively.
5. Make an action plan
“No one would be in the mood to make an action plan to fight back by being emotionally strong, but the whole point is to come out of your situation and take measurable steps to deal with it”, said Jose, and we think he’s hit the nail. Nothing in life gets corrected by itself. You have to take proactive, tough decisions, folks.