5 Ways to Develop a Creative Imagination

Photo Courtesy: pdpics.com
Can you imagine the entire universe with all the planets and stars in it? Can you imagine what it might be like to live in a country where the lifestyle is drastically different from yours? Just being able to picture such things shows that you already have imagination. Everyone is born with it, but it can easily be fine-tuned. Here are some ways to develop a creative imagination.
1. Enroll in a creative class
One of the easiest ways to unlock your imagination is by participating in a class that allows you to be creative. Painting, sculpting, sketching, writing and music classes focus on your creativity. Here you have the chance to try out different artistic techniques, irrespective of whether you have prior experience or not. The point is to make you think using the creative part of your brain.
2. Pursue a hobby or interest without anyone else’s help
Even a workaholic has hobbies. The key is to make time for them. You can learn to play a musical instrument, write a story, make charcoal drawings, build robots and cars from scratch or even try gardening. A hobby doesn’t have to be creative. But if you indulge in it without asking for any help or guidance, you get to push yourself creatively. Your imagination devises ways to complete activities and in the case of creations, tries to mold something original.
3. Try solving complicated problems
You may not think it, but problem solving requires imagination. It also requires rationality and levelheadedness. A creative imagination sometimes needs the aid of rationality. You can test yourself by creating mock situations or problems that need solving. You will discover that there are many creative solutions that can be applied to a problem at hand only if you push your imagination a little.
4. Read!
Yes, reading can help develop your imagination like nothing else. You may have hated reading when you were in school, but books open your mind to the world. They engage you and let you partake not just in the world of philosophy, psychology, history and the like, but in intricately imagined worlds too. If there’s a good book lying on your table, pick it up and start reading!
5. Daydream when you have the time
You might have been called out for daydreaming in school or at work, but daydreaming can do wonders for your imagination. Healthy daydreams give you an outlet to paint vivid pictures and really test your creativity. Because daydreaming can sometimes occur unconsciously, it allows you to access a part of your brain that you don’t actively use in your conscious state.