5 Ways to Overcome Guilt After Divorce

sxc.hu: nubuck
If you have been through a divorce, it is quite natural for you to take the fall for whatever has happened. You seem to think that in retrospect it was all your fault. You doubt yourself and question if you made the right decision. You even tend to think if you could have made it work somehow. When you are in a marriage you need to get out of it, but living separately, your children, home and responsibilities, everything seems to fall apart. But you can deal with your guilt and move on with your life. Here are 5 ways to deal with your divorce.
1.Remind yourself that everything happens for the best
You are not entirely responsible for the failure of the marriage. Sometimes you cease to accept each other’s point of view and it becomes very difficult to live together as a couple. Rather than deceiving yourselves, you are making a mature choice to part ways and lead your life separately.
2.Reflect on the positive moments in your marriage
Sometimes things don’t work out the way you have planned. Remember that you didn’t plan for this to happen. It is unfortunate if your marriage does not work out but if you try to look back you will realize that it was not all bad. You enjoyed some beautiful moments together as a couple.
3.You did your best
There is only so far you can go to save your marriage. Therapy, trying to talk it out, taking a break; you must have done it all. At least you can move on thinking that you did everything in your capacity to make your marriage work.
4.Blame game does not help
You cannot blame yourself for everything that happens in your life. Blaming yourself will only lead to further guilt. And it will not certainly help you move on.
5. Reinforce that the decision will not make your relationship suffer with your loved ones
Make yourself understand that when a marriage has to be dissolved, it does not necessarily mean that you have failed in the eyes of your parents and children. The bond is between the two of you; If you are not happy, it’s obviously going to affect your children. Some decisions just have to be made.