6 Challenges You May Have to Overcome After Marriage

Photo Courtesy: arki
The first few months of marriage may be exciting and full of passion. But as the years pass, the true colors of the couple may surface and the realities of married life may begin to dawn on the couple. Here are some of the challenges that you may have to overcome after getting married.
1. Money matters
Money is one of the common issues that newly married couples are likely to have issues about. Both partners can face this problem equally because they may be used to taking independent decisions about money when they were single. For example, you may not be used to consulting another person before swiping your credit card.
2. Lack of romance
Life before marriage can be very different for a couple as compared to life after marriage. Post marriage, a couple is likely to be busy coping up the new responsibilities along with the already existing pressure of work. You may be putting efforts in settling down and forming a new routine for you and your husband which can cause romance and passion to evaporate. This is known to be a common challenge that married couples often face.
3. Favorites and pet peeves
If a husband is outdoorsy, his wife could be an indoor person. If a wife loves eating at home, her husband could be a complete opposite who loves eating out. These are classic examples of how two people in a marriage may have totally different choices and lifestyles which they have to compromise on, after marriage. A wife’s pet peeve could be a husband’s favorite and vice versa. While this sounds easy to deal with, little challenges like these can snowball into bigger ones.
4. Dealing with in-laws
Before marriage, you may not have taken your wife or husband’s in-laws seriously. But after getting married, you and your partner need to be cautious while interacting with, and treating each other’s parents. You will need to get accustomed to your in-law’s quirky personalities and habits when you get-together during the holidays. Dealing with in-laws can be overwhelming and it often turns out to be quite a challenge for many married couples.
5. Peculiar habits
As an individual, you may be used to living with your own free will and doing things your way. But this can change dramatically after marriage and you may have to put up with your husband or wife’s habits and idiosyncrasies. This may range from the way she organizes her closet and demands you to do the same or something as silly as the way he talks loudly on his mobile phone in front of others.
6. Telling each other everything
The degree and intensity of this challenge may vary from couple to couple. Some couples may like to share every single detail of their daily lives while some couples may not be too particular about this. If your partner is a little possessive and wants to know every little detail about what you did during the day and who you met, you may have to comply with his/her wishes and vice versa.