6 Cool Ways to Keep Your Employees Happy

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Keeping your employees happy is an important task that is not necessarily simple. But when this becomes a routine more than an exercise, the benefits will fall onto your lap quite easily. There are more than substantial reasons that support the objective but employers still continue to fail in this endeavor. The first task to get onto this path is to develop the right attitude. Your employees are your partners and work for the betterment of your business. They are your primary clients and when they are pleased, your business will begin to operate at a good pace. When employers understand the significance of every employee, there are a variety of ways in which they can be motivated and kept happy at the workplace. Listed here are some ways to keep your employees happy.
1. Appreciation
Man, from the time he begins to understand the existence of people and things around him, derives pleasure when appreciated. Appreciation is a form of recognition that drives performance. A well-appreciated employee sets a benchmark for himself to excel at everything he does. Under-appreciated employees or those whose work never gets noticed by the management or supervisor find no need to work well and therefore their productivity gradually declines. Appreciation in public, praise for a job well done and regular compliments can help you notice the rising pattern in employee performance.
2. Pay
Remuneration is the most basic and important component to any motivational program. Anyone who works expects to be financially compensated for their job since they make a living out of that money. Underpaid employees or not paying employees for their services on time has a direct impact on their productivity at work and brings down their respect for the employer. Such employees retaliate, quit or create trouble. Therefore, it is important to handle remuneration with care.
3. Connect
Talk to your employees as frequently as possible. Try to indulge in friendly conversations and address their problems before those loom large. Such regular discussions instill the thought that the management is concerned about their welfare and they feel respected. This permeates in their jobs and promotes a healthy work environment.
4. Incentives
Incentives are above and beyond the stated remuneration. These need not be financial in nature and can include dinner vouchers, organizing weekend parties or just about any activity or event that can help your employees unwind and socialize.
5. Empowerment
Empowerment is a large term that encompasses several things. Empowerment does not just make the employee feel respected and proud for his accomplishments but also helps in instilling responsibility and accountability. The constant need to seek permissions and approvals may restrict employees to think innovative for the organization. Also, there may be a lot of time loss when decision-making power is scattered.
6. Feedback
Feedback can be positive or negative but constructive criticism and compliments for a task well done are important to be shared on a regular basis. Not only does this make the employee happy and understand how he can better himself at work but also sends out signals that his performance is being noticed.
Engaged employees play a huge positive role in improving business operations and overall productivity. These tried and tested ways always work but there is no restriction in identifying innovative methods depending upon the nature of your business and its doers.