6 Great Ways to Celebrate Your Uniqueness

Photo Courtesy: geralt
All human beings are not the same. Factors like intelligence, abilities and qualities are what make everyone different from each other. Instead of trying to be like everyone, you should be happy about the things that set you apart from other people. Here are a few ways in which you can celebrate your uniqueness.
1. Pursue your interests
Your interests and passions are likely to be a result of your inborn aptitude. For example, if you are an intrinsically artistic person, you are likely to be inclined towards art related hobbies or skills. The next time you have an urge of learning a skill or taking up a hobby, don’t suppress it just because it is something off the beaten path or because your friends may find it weird. Follow your instincts and pick up that hobby because it will help bring out the best of who you really are.
2. Be influenced by likeminded people
If you always hang out with a group of people who expect you to follow herd mentality and do the same things that they do, you will fall into a rut and lose your uniqueness. But if you spend time in the company of people who will support you in what you do, your uniqueness will shine. Be influenced by likeminded people who appreciate you for your qualities and abilities, and not for how easily you blend in a group.
3. Focus on your strengths
You will be able to celebrate your uniqueness if you put time and efforts on building your strengths. Instead of being negatively influenced by your weaknesses and the abilities you don’t have, channel your energies into the qualities you have. Being positive about your skills and staying focused on building them will help you to be extraordinary and unique at the same time.
4. Stop comparing
Comparison should have no place in your psyche when you want to celebrate your distinctiveness from others. The more you compare yourself with others, the more you will feel the pressure of becoming like them. You should be proud that you have qualities and personality traits that help you to stand out of the crowd. Don’t kill the spirit of being unique by comparing yourself with people because they don’t share your personality or your intellect.
5. Flaunt your uniqueness
Embrace your unique identity wholeheartedly by flaunting your qualities. For example, if you are the only one in your class who knows how to speak Russian, play the harp or know the capital cities of all the countries in the world, flaunt these talents rather than hiding them. If you don’t initiate the process of celebrating your own uniqueness, you can’t expect other people to join you. Be thankful for the unique gifts that God has bestowed upon you.
6. Don’t be too judgmental of yourself
One of the reasons you may be ashamed of being different from other people could be because you are being too judgmental of yourself. You could be restricting your own growth by curbing down your uniqueness with the fear that it could create conflict with other people. Instead of being judgmental of your abilities and treating them with disrespect, allow your true self to come out in front of the world with confidence and pride.