6 Reasons Why it is okay Not to be a Perfectionist

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It is good to put in your best efforts and work with full dedication but that doesn’t mean you have to be obsessed about being a perfectionist. Trying to be perfect adds on extra pressure and causes distraction. You should remember that only with best efforts you can succeed, for that you don’t need to be perfect or do things perfectly. Here are 6 reasons to show you it’s okay not to be a perfectionist.
1. It leads to pressure and stress
When you are more focused on being perfect and doing things perfectly, pressure builds up. You start feeling stressed out and this can pull you back. It’s better to work without pressure than being perfect. If stress starts affecting your health in any way, it’s certainly going to affect your work.
2. You might not meet your deadlines
When you always try to find ways and means to do things perfectly, you end up spending a lot of time working and everything starts falling apart. You should learn to work smartly and quickly so that you succeed and don’t waste time in being perfect.
3. It leads to further disappointment
When you can work hard and succeed, what is the need to be perfect? When you obsess about being perfect and fail to do it you feel disappointed. Disappointment leads to depression and kills the motivation to work.
4. The obsessive need to be perfect leads to frustration
Trying to cope with the pressure of perfection, leads to frustration. It is difficult to work when you are frustrated. To avoid frustration just do your best and stay relaxed. At least, you should not have any regrets.
5. It leads to low level of productivity
When you try to be perfect you end up paying extra attention to all details. Some details may be unnecessary and you waste time on them. This would lead to low productivity which you wouldn’t want.
6. Your personal life may take a backseat
In striving to be a perfectionist, you get so engrossed in your work that you fail to realize that you also have a personal life. You find it difficult to strike a balance and make people at home happy.