6 Reasons Why You Cannot Impress Everyone at all Times

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Do you constantly try to impress others all the time? Do you think that people will accept you if you be nice to them all the time? You could be wrong because by doing so, you are sacrificing many things which will eventually make you unhappy. Here’s why.
1. You have to safeguard your own interests
If you try to impress everyone by agreeing to them and going along with their decisions, you will never safeguard your interests. You will forgo your likes, dislikes, wants and needs if you be nice to everyone and try to impress them by accepting their thoughts and actions. You will have to be yourself if you want to safeguard your own interests in life.
2. You can’t always be someone else
If you try to impress others constantly, you may become a totally different person. Whether it is the things you say or the clothes you wear, you will dissolve your own personality and characteristics if you always try to impress others by being someone who you aren’t. This will make you lose your individuality.
3. You will not feel happy doing things that you don’t want to do
What makes you happy in life? Is it by doing things that you really want to do, or is it by doing the things that you don’t want to do but you do it only for the sake of impressing other people? Inner happiness comes from doing things that you like and it is not possible for you to impress everyone because someone may not like the things you do. If you really want to be happy, you will have to ignore what others find impressive, and continue doing the things that bring you satisfaction on a personal level.
4. You will create unwanted expectations
You will always find yourself creating unnecessary expectations if you try to impress everyone all the time. People will expect you to agree with them, do things for them, talk in a certain way and even behave in a way that they like. This will create a web of unwanted expectations in the minds of every person you interact with.
5. You will decrease your self-worth
When you focus on impressing others, you are decreasing the value of your own self-worth and self-esteem. Indirectly, you are believing that your true self is not worth showcasing because you don’t think that other people will be impressed by your true personality. By doing this, you are decreasing your own levels of self-esteem. Your confidence will also drop because you will keep thinking that no one will be impressed by your original self.
6. You may not be doing the right thing
Sometimes people may ask you to do something as a favor. Even though you know that you won’t be doing the right thing if you do it, you will still go forward with it just because you want to impress them. In such a case, you are not doing the right thing despite knowing that it could be legally, morally and intellectually wrong. If you want to stop yourself from tainting your own image, you will have to stop trying to impress everyone all the time.