6 Reasons Why you Should Value What you Have in your Life

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Having an appreciation and a feeling of gratefulness for the things that belong to you and the love you have in your life is important because it makes you a better person. It also makes you see life in a completely new way. Re-affirm your happiness by knowing the key reasons why you should value what you have in life.
1. To become humble
Only if you realize how much in abundance God has given in your life, you will be able to become a humble person. If you take all these things for granted, you will always remain haughty and proud. Instead of whining about what you don’t have, be humbled by life and what it has given you until now.
2. To thank God
Whenever you pray to God, do you always ask for something? If this is the case, then you are missing out on one of the best feelings in life that you should experience – gratefulness. Look around your room or your house and thank the Lord for giving you all of it, whether it is a beautiful vase lying on the coffee table or your sister sitting on a couch beside you. You have to value whatever you have so that you can thank God instead of always pleading to him to give you something more.
3. To realize the things you have been doing wrong
When you realize how much you have in your life, you will also realize all the things you have been doing wrong until now. This could include asking your parents for new shoes even if you had ten pairs or fighting bitterly with your sibling over something very silly. When you understand the importance of having plenty and being blessed with the things that you already have, you will realize how some of your outbursts and mistakes should have been avoided.
4. To feel happy
Happiness is directly proportional to how much you appreciate your life. Recognizing, valuing and appreciating all that you have in life will make you feel more fulfilled, satisfied and happy as a person. It will help you shift your focus from being depressed about what you don’t have to being happy about what you have.
5. To consider yourself lucky
Do you curse your luck when you have a bad hair day? Do you blame your destiny when things don’t go your way? Instead of being so bitter, if you look at people who don’t even have half of what you do, you will realize that you are probably the luckiest person in the world. Compare yourself with people who are born with lesser means in unfortunate circumstances or people in underdeveloped nations who have trouble accessing drinking water and food.
6. To be able to read this
If you are reading this, it means that you have electricity at home, you have a computer and you have internet. It also means that you have a set of healthy eyes that can read and a mind that can comprehend. These basic things should give you enough reasons why you should value what you have in life. Think about a child born in a war zone and think about how your life is in a much better place. That is the biggest reason why you should stop putting yourself down and start valuing what you have in life.