6 Signs of Midlife Crisis

Photo Courtesy: onourownpath.com
Midlife crisis is a common phenomenon and there is nothing to be scared about. With proper treatment and motivation, you can keep the vivacity alive in yourself even in midlife. But first you need to identify when you’re becoming a victim of midlife crisis. Given below are signs of midlife crisis.
1. Frustration
Do you get frustrated too easily? Just when things begin to go slightly out of control or when you are surrounded by annoying people, do you get irritated? If you have recently become very resistant to harmless changes or new ideas, then you are having midlife crisis. This happens when you think that your life till this point has been just too perfect and you will not be able to deal with any more changes, which actually is not true.
2. Regret
If you have been feeling remorseful recently, apparently for whatever choices you have made in life, you may be suffering from midlife crisis. You suddenly seem to have lost faith in yourself and have begun to regret your career choice and all other choices like friends, relationships and so on. Worrying too much about things which cannot be undone is surely a sign that you are having a midlife crisis.
3. Negativity
If you have lost all motivation and will power to live life the way you want and are brimming with negative thoughts, you are having a midlife crisis. At this point, everything will seem to be too dangerous or futile and nothing will seem to be prospective. Anybody who will try to convince you otherwise will seem to be doing so out of pity. Negativity is a sure sign of midlife crisis.
4. Inferiority complex
Have you been feeling too inferior recently? At work, does the new young guy get all the attention and praise for his work and you do not seem to exist anymore? Do you feel like you have suddenly become invisible? All of a sudden, you do not feel like being trusted anymore? These are sure signs of midlife crisis. You are suffering from inferiority complex and have begun to labor under the delusion that you are no longer important in anybody’s life.
5. Identity crisis
If you no longer seem to know who you really are, that is, if you hesitate in describing yourself to somebody, you are suffering from identity crisis. You look at the mirror and seem to have lost the essence of who you really are, what the meaning of your life is and what you are meant to do. This is another sign that you are having a midlife crisis.
6. Insecurity
Have you lately begun to feel insecure for no reason? Do you seem to believe that everyone else has started making fun of you? Have you started screaming at your children for no reason at all? You may be suffering from insecurity and this is another sign of midlife crisis. This is the age when men and women stop being their youthful self due to various biological reasons and such bodily changes, sometimes due to hormones, indirectly affects their psychology and they think that everyone else is not taking them seriously.
Whatever your symptoms or signs are, if you have a whiff that you are having a midlife crisis, do not waste time. You must see a doctor immediately and sort out whatever issues you may be having. You will be surprised to know how easily you can get your life back to normal!