6 Tips on How to Develop Persistence

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Persistence may not be an inborn quality in you. You might have to take conscious steps to make yourself pushy, insistent and resolute in whatever you do. Here are a few tips on how to develop persistence and surge ahead on the path of success.
1. Don’t take no for an answer the first time
Many people have trouble being persistent because they easily accept no for an answer. If you want to be persistent, you cannot accept being refused the first time you try to do something. Be prepared for refusal or disappointment when you make your first attempt in doing something and plan how you will react accordingly. No one will give you what you want on a platter or agree to what you say in the blink of an eye. The journey of developing persistence starts with the first step of not taking no for an answer.
2. Believe in your cause or motive
No matter what you are being persistent for, your cause or motive has to be very clear in your mind. You will not get the energy and inspiration to be persistent if you don’t believe in your cause. Your disbelief may cause nervousness in your behavior which the other person may be able to sense easily. And once someone gets a good reason to put you down, you will not be able to be persistent all the way. So before you become persistent with someone or something, clarify your own motives in your head.
3. Be prepared to face resistance
You are likely to face resistance in every walk of life when you try to get something you want. Nothing in life is resistance free. You only have to develop strategies or a confident mindset to overcome such hurdles. Don’t expect your wants to be fulfilled without obstacles, questions or other difficulties. You will find it much easier to develop persistence if you are prepared to face resistance from the very start.
4. Get support of like-minded people
When you want to achieve success at any cost, getting help in reaching your goals can help you immensely. If you want to succeed in being persistent, get company of like-minded people who will support you in being persistent. You can easily manipulate another person’s thinking if you have two or three other companions saying the same thing and backing you up.
5. Stay positive
Staying positive is a prerequisite in developing persistence. Persistent people never get disappointed when they don’t find success in getting what they want. They bounce back with a smile and get back to doing what they were. If you have faced a few setbacks even after showing enough persistence, don’t cower down. Be optimistic and jump right back at your goal until you get it. Positivity is the fuel of being persistent.
6. Don’t accept a compromise
You can claim to have developed persistence only if you go all the way to achieve what you want. If you stop halfway and accept a compromised win, then you may not have been persistence enough. Persistence is all about getting what you want at your terms. If there is any negotiation or compromise for the same, you may not have been as persistent as you should have been.