6 Tips on How to Enjoy the Little Things in Life

Photo Courtesy: geralt
You may feel that you are not happy unless something really exciting and extraordinary happens in your life. But in hindsight you will realize that little things make all the difference in life. Here are a few tips on how you should enjoy the little things in life.
1. Don’t be afraid of doing silly things that you would have done in your childhood
Have you ever felt like playing hopscotch or tic-tac-toe and then brushed off the idea because it sounded silly? Have you ever felt like painting on the wall of your house? These things that sound silly are actually the little things in life that will make you carefree and happy. If you didn’t think twice about doing such things as a child, why restrict yourself now?
2. Share a random act of kindness with others
Immense happiness lies in an act of kindness, for both the giver and the receiver. Bring a smile on your face by doing an odd job for an elderly person, loaning someone a small amount of money which may mean a lot to them or running obligation free errands for someone. Random acts of kindness will help you derive pleasure from small things and help you appreciate their importance in life.
3. Do what you wish spontaneously
Spontaneity tends to go for a toss in everyone’s hectic lives. For example, you may decide against going for a walk in the rain even if you want to, so that you avoid falling sick and missing office. There are many such small things in life which you may be sacrificing on daily basis. Bring back the spontaneity in your life by doing what you wish at that very moment. If you feel like going for a walk in the rain, do so without thinking too much.
4. Compliment one person every day
It takes very little to pay someone a compliment and put a smile on their face, but this is something that many people take for granted. Appreciating someone’s sense of dressing, helpful nature or a new purchase will make them very happy and make you feel good about yourself at the same time. Gaining happiness out of complimenting someone is something you can do to enjoy life’s small treasures.
5. Enjoy your morning tea or coffee without any distractions
If you have your morning tea or coffee while you are multitasking by reading the newspaper, fixing your breakfast or checking your email, you are letting go of your precious morning time which can help you to charge yourself for the rest of the day. Enjoy your morning tea or coffee without any distractions so that you can gear up for a new day and spend some time with your loved ones before going to work or school.
6. Spend more time with kids
One of the reasons why people may often forget to enjoy little things in life like children do, is because they change their definition of fun. In the humdrum of their hectic lives, adults start believing that they must do something special for recreation like going on a holiday or going to a party. They forget that happiness lies in the small things in life. Spending more time with kids will help you to get rid of these myths and help you to derive happiness from simple, uncomplicated things.