6 Tips on How to Remain Positive During Hard Times

Photo Courtesy: iamtheo
Staying mentally motivated is one of the biggest challenges of surviving a bad patch in your life. Whether it is about work, your relationship or family problems, here are certain things that you should keep in mind if you want to remain positive during hard times.
1. Be glad that you have hit rock bottom
Do you think that you are going through the worst phase of your life? If this is the case, be happy and positive because now there is no way for you but to go up. Hitting rock bottom is always a good sign because now whatever effort you put, it will always seem like you are making progress and going in the right direction.
2. Get motivated to prove your critics wrong
Your critics are the people who always say that you can never be successful. They always make fun of you when you fail and always try to demoralize you when you even try to get out of a bad situation. Think about them and use their taunts as motivation and inspiration to stay positive during hard times. Tell yourself that you want to keep trying again and again just to prove them wrong and watch the smirk on their faces disappear as they see you succeed.
3. Think about the struggles of less fortunate people
Just the fact that you are reading this is proof enough that you are more fortunate than many others in this world who don’t even have access to drinking water, let alone a computer or internet. Think about these less fortunate people and think about the cruel hardship they must be facing on a daily basis. You will realize that the hard time and struggles in your life are nothing as compared to the difficulties others are going through.
4. Read positive inspirational quotes every day
Whenever you are feeling gloomy because of the hard times that you are going through, go online and read some inspirational quotes and motivational sayings. Such positive quotes have a very deep meaning that can have a positive ripple effect on your attitude and mindset. Reading such quotes regularly will also help you renew your focus and help you fight back harder to come out of your misery.
5. Don’t try to find instant solutions to your problems
There are rarely ever any instant solutions to the complicated problems of life. Expecting your hard times to go away instantly will only lead to further depression. You will have to continuously work towards getting yourself back on your feet. So stop looking for instant solutions because realizing that getting through bad times is a long process will help you stay committed and focused towards a long term goal.
6. Live healthy
It will be very difficult for you to stay positive during bad times if your health starts to decline. Your mental health will get a boost only if you take care of your physical health. You can do this by putting in place regular eating habits, sleeping habits, fitness habits and staying away from any vices. Avoid addictions like alcohol or drugs because that can make your situation even worse mentally, physically and financially.