6 Tips on How to Trust Yourself

Photo Courtesy: shortsands
Lack of self-confidence, regret over mistakes, inability to take decisions or lack of skills can be just some of the many reasons why you don’t trust yourself. Here are tips which you can use in your daily life to start believing in yourself and trusting your abilities.
1. Take more decisions
If you don’t trust yourself, you could be the type of person who does not like to take many decisions. If this is the case, you must push yourself to take more decisions in all areas of your life whether it is studies, work or relationships. Taking more decisions in everyday life will help you to realize the value of your gut instinct. Slowly as time goes by, you will be confident enough to trust yourself and take good decisions every day.
2. Learn new skills
Lack of self trust is generally when you are less confident about some of your skills that you use in your daily life. These can be your conversational skills, flirting skills, interpersonal skills or even skills that affect your professional performance. Regardless of what type of skill it is, push yourself to learn it the best way you can. As you gain mastery and when you realize that you no longer lack that particular skill, you will instantly start trusting yourself to the maximum.
3. Don’t procrastinate
Procrastination affects your self-confidence, which is why you must stop procrastinating if you want to trust yourself. If you have an outstanding task, finish it right away rather than putting it off for some other day. This will make you more confident of your own abilities of getting things done. This is crucial if you want to perform well at your workplace or even in a classroom.
4. Stop thinking about things that went wrong
Mistakes, regrets and past experiences are some of the key things that lead to low levels of self trust. You must learn to let go of all the mental baggage associated with bad past experiences that have led to regrets in your life. Everyone makes mistakes in their lives and nobody is perfect. If you have made mistakes, don’t hold regrets and lose your future in worrying about your past. Move on and look for how you can avoid making the same mistakes again rather than loosing self trust by worrying about them.
5. Do something new regularly
Are you stuck in the same routine for many months? The fact that you have not tried anything new can definitely be a reason why you don’t trust yourself to do anything that is outside your comfort zone. You can start trusting yourself by doing new things that are out of your regular routine. It can be something as small as taking a new bus to work or something as drastic as trying an adventure sport like bungee jumping.
6. Observe how others convert their weaknesses to their strengths
Everyone has weaknesses that they have to deal with. If you have a person in your class or workplace who you think is an outstanding performer, observe how they manage to convert their weaknesses to their strength. For example, if a co-worker has difficulty in understanding numbers, he may be using pie charts or graphs to understand complicated strategies rather than looking at accounting numbers. Incorporate these tactics in your own life and learn how you can diffuse your weakness. Slowly, as you learn to adapt with your weaknesses, you will start trusting yourself again.