6 Useful Tips to Avoid Feeling Hopeless

Photo Courtesy: marko8904
Do you feel as if you are worthless? Everyone faces ups and downs in life and it is ok to feel sad or depressed once in a while. If you are going through a similar phase, here is how you can stop feeling hopeless.
1. Try a new hobby
You can avoid feeling hopeless by trying a new hobby because it will help you focus all your energy into learning a new craft. A new hobby will also help keep you busy which will take your mind away from the feeling of hopelessness. Look forward to sharing your new hobby with your friends and family members after you have attained a certain level of skill and mastery.
2. Try a new part-time job
Taking up a part-time job is a great way to stop feeling hopeless and make more money at the same time. A part-time job will help to add to your bank balance. It will also teach you new skill which will add to your work experience and to your resume. You will feel good about yourself knowing that you are spending your time constructively and doing something that is furthering you personally and professionally.
3. Take up a part-time study course
Taking up a part-time study course may be the answer for you if you are feeling hopeless and have a lot of spare time on hand. If you have nothing else to do, you may as well as take up a study course which will arm you with a certificate at the end of couple of months. Not only will you learn new things and enhance your knowledge about a particular subject, but the certificate will also help you in your career in the long term.
4. Join an interest based group
An easy way to stop feeling blue is to share your interest with like-minded people. You can do this by joining a local interest based group. Whether it is reading, singing or literature, there are always groups in most localities which get together every now and then to meet and share experiences. Joining such a group will help you connect with people who share common interests. You will also make new friends along the way, helping you to stop feeling hopeless.
5. Reconnect with old friends
Reconnecting with old friends will help you revisit the good old times and feel good about your past. Think of a friend whom you have shared many happy memories with, and get in touch with him or her. You can find the friend through Facebook or other networking websites. If you have a phone number, simply call him or her and see if you can catch up. Meeting an old friend will instantly make you feel better.
6. Plan out your near future with concrete goals
An easy way to give yourself a kick start is to plan out your near future. Take a pen and a notepad and write down at least 10 realistic goals that you want to achieve in the next six months to one year. Tear out that page and stick it on a wall in your room or on your study desk. Look at the list every day and start doing the things that you want to get done. Tick something off when you do it. Looking at your slow yet steady progress will make you realize your worth and help you get back up on your two feet.