6 Ways to Become a Better Leader

Photo Courtesy: Alan Cleaver
Everyone wants to be better at leading other people but very few have the talent, skill and the ability to shine out from the crowd. If you are chasing that illusive managerial role or you simply want to brush up your leadership skills, here are ways in which you can be a better leader.
1. Lead by example rather than force
Some leaders like to put force and dominance on their followers to make them do something, while some leaders like to set a good example and lead the way. Force and dominance only work in the short term. On the other hand when a leader leads by setting a good example, he or she earns the respect of the subordinates permanently. Some of the world’s best leaders have led armies and organizations by being a prime example of the kind of work they expect from their followers.
2. Don’t strive for your individual success
Many people fail to be good leaders because they strive for their own personal success. All budding leaders should remember that their own success lies in the individual success of their subordinates. For example, a manager can say that he is a good leader only when his subordinates are successful at achieving their targets. So make it a point to promote the individual success of your followers if you want to be a good leader yourself.
3. Never impart unnecessary penalties
It is natural for a leader in a commanding position to mete out some sort of penalty in form of repercussions when his or her subordinates fail to perform their duties. However a leader should never give undue punishment to his or her subordinates. If you unnecessarily penalize any of your subordinates, others may stop performing simply because they will think that even good performance is rewarded by a penalty.
4. Don’t show pessimism
Good leaders never show pessimism no matter how complicated, difficult or unachievable seem the tasks that they allot to their subordinates. They always show optimism and support the notion that the tasks can easily be completed. If you want to be a good leader yourself, you must use this same principle in your daily life and avoid showing any sort of pessimism in front of your subordinates. Your optimistic attitude will wear off on your subordinates and they too, will remain optimistic about achieving goals and targets.
5. Encourage others to take decisions independently within their powers
Your subordinates will never learn to think out of the box if they just keep following your orders blankly. Be a good leader by allowing them the freedom of taking independent decisions within their responsibilities and authority. By doing this, you will allow them to show their decision making skills and a good decision taken by them will directly benefit you.
6. Don’t do anything that harms your credibility and reputation
Good credibility is one of the first signs of a good leader. If you want to emerge as a terrific leader yourself, you will have to stop yourself from doing anything that harms your credibility or reputation. Always keep your word, don’t engage in malpractices, don’t misguide anyone, don’t lie to your subordinates and live up to your own standards.