6 Ways to Let Go of Painful Thoughts

Photo Courtesy: BTimea
Have you recently been through a breakup? Are you in pain because of the loss of a loved one? Did you lose a lot of money in your business? Whatever the reason may be, it can be difficult to let go of painful thoughts. Here are a few ways in which you can let go of painful thoughts and live a happy life.
1. Talk to the person who has caused you pain
Harboring painful thoughts can make your heart bitter. Constantly thinking about your pain is not going to help you reduce it or get over it. Instead of trying to figure why you are unable to deal with your pain and getting more frustrated about it, talk to the person who has caused the pain. His or her explanations may give you a better perspective of your pain and it may make it easier for you to ease the pain.
2. Practice meditation
Meditation is the art and science of being able to concentrate and remove all thoughts from your mind. It is a spiritual experience which can calm your nerves and help you to let go of your attachment with pain. Practice meditation under an expert who can guide you in reaching a thoughtless state of mind. Meditation is known to have helped many people around the world to deal with their pain more effectively, no matter how insignificant or acute it is.
3. Exercise or play a sport
There is a good reason why exercise is often recommended to people who are in a lot of mental and emotional pain. When you exercise, hormones called endorphins and adrenaline are secreted in your body. These are popularly referred to as “happy hormones” because they are known to bring about positivity and help you forget pain. Exercising or playing a sport will also help you to refocus your energies on doing something substantial in life rather than wasting time dwelling about your pain.
4. Set up a few short term goals
One of the easiest ways of letting go of painful thoughts is to keep yourself occupied. Once your mind is engaged in doing other things, it will automatically find no time to nurse painful thoughts. Set up a few weekly or monthly goals and make a plan to achieve them. These goals could include learning a new skill, replacing your wardrobe, applying for new jobs or spring cleaning the house.
5. Let your pain out physically
Sometimes expressing your pain through physicality can help you to let go of negative and painful thoughts. This could include squeezing a stress ball whenever you feel sorrow, shouting abuses at the wall or throwing unbreakable things in your backyard. Physical manifestation of pain can make you feel empty and light from the inside.
6. Read positive literature
Reading positive stories, quotes, poems or any other type of literature can immensely help you to let go of painful thoughts. When you read instances about other people’s pain or anecdotes about what motivated them to get over it, you won’t feel alone. It will give you a feeling of comfort and you will be motivated to free your mind of painful thoughts too.