6 Ways to Reconnect With Estranged Family Members

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As time passes, a distance is created between us and our family members who were once close to us. This happens because of various situations, professional commitments and lack of communication. It is very important to maintain the bond you share with family members. Here are 6 ways to reconnect with estranged family members.
1. Make an effort
You cannot expect to reconnect all of a sudden just by meeting once. You need to plan out various outings in order to reconnect. Take time out from your schedule and select places convenient to you and your family.
2. Communicate often
You need to give priority to your estranged family members. You can surely take out a few minutes from your day to message or call them. Once you and your family members have met and tried to bridge the gap, you need to maintain it by communicating on regular basis through different means – phones, mails, messages, video chats and the likes.
3. Make most of festivals and occasions
Take advantage of festivals and special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries to reconnect. These are times when family members want the love and presence of other family members. You can throw a surprise party or land up at their door step with a cake and a jingbang of other members. Your presence will show that you care and are putting efforts.
4. Be there when they need you
A family should stand together and support each other in tough times. To reconnect and show that you care, be there when your family members need you. Be there when they are facing tough situations and help them as much as you can.
5. Share happy memories
Old happy memories with family could really be helpful in order to reconnect with your family. Have a conversation about past memories, where you’d spent great time together. Try to look for old photos and videos and send it to them.
6. Forget bitter memories of the past
In order reconnect and strengthen the bond, you first need to put the bitter memories in the past. Only then can you move ahead and make new memories. This needs to be done from both sides.