7 Golden Rules to Become a Good Successful Manager

Photo Courtesy: Webiliz
Do you want to stand out as a manager? Do you want to bring out the best in your employees? Do you want to put up the best record of your company’s performance under your leadership? If you want to do all these things and become a successful manager, here are a few rules that you can make for yourself.
1. Stop micro managing
As a manager in an organization, you are likely to be exasperated about the progress of the work you may have allotted to your subordinates. But that does not mean you keep looking over their shoulders and cross checking their work every other minute. Your employees will lose faith in you and feel suffocated if you do so. Once you allocate a job, trust your employees and give them critique in the form of positive feedback only once the job is completely over.
2. Know your own job thoroughly
There can be nothing worse for a manager than being upstaged by a subordinate or a team member. Don’t let an awkward situation arise by falling short of what is expected of you as a manager. Know your own job inside out. Be ready to go the extra mile and get peripheral knowledge related to your work to be able to smoothly deal with questions from your employees.
3. Don’t allocate jobs to your subordinates that you can’t do yourself
One of the fundamental rules for a manager to be successful and accepted by a team is to lead by example. Just because you have the power of allotting tasks to other people, don’t offload responsibilities that you wouldn’t be able to fulfill yourself. If you have no option but to do so, first skill up yourself and then allocate the job to others.
4. Help your team to achieve their personal and professional goals simultaneously
Employees are bound to have their own dreams in addition to what they want to achieve professionally. Since both are inextricably interlinked you can take interest in the personal ambitions of your employees with discretion. For example, you could help a female employee plan her maternity leave or recommend specialized educational courses to an employee who wants to get into a particular department in the future.
5. Be light-hearted enjoy leading your team
You need to have a well rounded personality to be a successful manager. Don’t expect to carry a serious face at work, spend the day in your office like clockwork or ask your employees to get things done in the time frame of 9 to 5. You should have a pleasant personality, a cheerful demeanor and the ability to laugh to get your subordinates to accept you first.
6. Be a good communicator
Communication skills are essential in almost all walks of life, especially when you are leading a group of people. Self doubt, weak body language, low self esteem or a moody personality are elements that can be a big blow to your people skills. Making communication your most powerful asset may help you significantly in becoming a successful manager.
7. Make strong decisions and stick to them
Successful managers follow the golden rule of making decisions and sticking by them. Meandering on a decision for too long or constantly changing a decision can make you look unworthy for a managerial position in the eyes of your subordinates. Whether it is about hiring or firing someone, strategizing in the time of crisis, granting leave, bringing about innovation or dealing with a client, make a strong decision, stick to it and be ready to face its consequences.