7 Great Tips to Boost Productivity at Work

Photo Courtesy: Extra Ketchup
Boosting productivity at work will help you achieve your targets quickly and get more work done in the same amount of time and money. Read these helpful tips if you want to increase your productivity at work and get things done faster.
1. Write up a daily schedule
You will instantly increase your productivity at work if you draw up a schedule for yourself. Plan out your day on a list and highlight the important things that you have to get done. This will help you identify the specific tasks that you need to prioritize and the ones that can take a back seat. This little bit of planning will go a long way in helping you sort and organize a typical work day.
2. Go on your coffee breaks alone
Do you take a colleague along with you when you go for your coffee or tea breaks? If you do, you could be spending a lot of time chatting and talking as you sip your coffee. One chat can lead to another and before you even realize, you may have wasted a considerable amount of time just talking to your colleague. You can save this time and be more efficient by going for such breaks alone.
3. Take a quick time out
Every time you feel that stress and tension are getting the better of you at work, take a quick two minutes time out. Go to one of the empty meeting rooms or simply go outside your office for a short break. Take a few deep breaths and come back to work with a sense of calmness. This will help you to reduce your stress levels and be more productive at work.
4. Don’t prolong meetings and discussions
Meetings at work can easily go on and on and turn into a wasteful activity. Whenever you are having a meeting or discussion with a colleague, stick to the point of concern and excuse yourself out of the meeting room when your query or issue has been solved. Don’t hang around to have personal conversations or casual talks about how work is going on. You will be able to boost productivity by getting back to work and tackling the things that really matter.
5. Stop procrastinating
Do you procrastinate the tasks when you don’t feel like doing them? If you do, this could be the main reason why you are not able to increase your productivity. By procrastinating something, you are just increasing your backlog of work, which will pile up and spell trouble for you later on.
6. Use smart teamwork to get things done
Any task or project will get over quicker if you use teamwork to get it done. The secret lies in allocating the right task to the right person. If you allocate the wrong task to a person, it may take longer than usual. Identify which people are better suited for different types of tasks, and use their help when you want to get something done more efficiently.
7. Arrive on time, leave on time
Your productivity at work will fall if you don’t arrive at or leave the office on time. When you arrive late, you are pushing back the schedule of all your tasks and all the people involved in those tasks. This will have a ripple effect on the rest of your day’s work. Also, if you keep staying back at work for long hours, you will get into the habit of leaving things for later. For example, you may feel like pushing a boring task from afternoon to late evening if you know that you are going to be staying back in the office till late. This is a bad habit, so aim to finish on time so you can get work done faster.