7 Great Ways to Fill Your Mind with Positive Thoughts

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Being positive can help you achieve a lot in life. But positivity is not something that you can get overnight, you will have to train your mind to become positive. Here are a few ways in which you can fill your mind with positive thoughts.
1. Read a positive quote every day
There are many positive quotes available on the internet that you can read on a daily basis. Read quotes about success, failure, motivation, positivity, kindness, forgiveness and tolerance to be inspired. You will be able to relate every quote to your life and see things from a different perspective. Such quotes may also help you to develop a positive attitude to overcome obstacles in your life.
2. Listen to music that inspires you
Music is known to be a good pacifier. It can have a soothing effect on your mind and body. If you want to fill your mind with positive thoughts, listen to songs with inspiring lyrics. Listening to music you like will also give you the time and space to reflect on yourself and on your surroundings. It may touch your heart and motivate you to do things that you have always wanted to do.
3. Allow your mind to wander and day dream whenever you are free
Many people think that dreams are just a bunch of useless thoughts about the things you can never really do in your life. But dreams can actually be the foundation of your life and can bring out the best in you. The next time you lie down aimlessly or are sitting on the couch with nothing to do, allow your mind to wander in all directions instead of switching on the TV. You are likely to start thinking about the things you want in life and this will fill your mind with positive and happy thoughts.
4. Say something positive to yourself every day when you wake up
Self talk is important and can work wonders in helping you to become a positive person. When you re-iterate a positive thought in your mind at the start of the day, you are likely to spend the rest of the day without much negativity. Self talk is like hypnotizing your mind to do what you want it to do. Saying positive things to yourself every day will make you a more positive person.
5. Make a wish list and stick it to your wall
When you have a big wish list of the things you want, you may feel the urge to own those things as quickly as possible. This will make you dream and think about the steps you must take to achieve these dreams. And once you set a goal for yourself, your mind will get filled with positive thoughts about how you can achieve your goals.
6. Shift your focus to the present
If you tend to think about the consequences of your actions in the future all the time, you will always be worried and nervous. It is good to plan for your future but you will be able to accomplish your plans only if you act today. Fill your mind with positivity by focusing on what you can do today instead of worrying about what will happen tomorrow. Taking actions today will keep you more active, satisfied and positive.
7. Seek enjoyment in little things
If you have a naturally happy and healthy state of mind, it will be easier for you to welcome more positive thoughts in your mind. Enjoy the little things in life including smelling the roses in your garden, taking time to sip your morning coffee in a relaxed way, or playing with your pet. Notice how you feel instantly positive and perked up when you start taking pleasure in the small things of life.