7 Important Things that You Learn from Your Father

Photo Courtesy: Yuri_Arcurs ©crestock.com
Fathers are like the pillars of every home. Although times have changed, every father’s foremost duty is to be a bread winner for the family and make them feel happy, safe and secure. Here are 7 important things that you learn from your father.
1. To learn the value of hard work and commitment
Most fathers teach their children to value everything that they receive as each penny spent is earned through hard work and commitment.
2. To make the right choices in life
Fathers have perhaps been in the same position as you have. If you have a strong and successful father, you should take his advice on how to avert bad decisions and make right choices in life. Whether it is career, savings, study, tests or even relationships, you could always learn from his experiences.
3. To never give up on your dreams
Most men try to live their dreams through their children. If your father is one of those who did not get a chance to fulfill his dreams on account of early responsibilities, he will not allow you to give up on your dream. Determination and perseverance are precious nuggets that you can gain from him.
4. To treat people with love and respect
From your father, you learn the virtue of treating people with love and respect. Whether it is about managing relationship with spouse, dealing with boss or subordinates or even interacting with people on a regular basis, you learn from your father the art of communicating with politeness.
5. To manage your savings account
Fathers teach children to understand the importance of saving money. They can offer excellent advice on mutual funds, bonds and real estate for investment purpose. They are exemplary figures in spending wisely and saving for rainy days.
6. To be independent and self sufficient
Fathers are individuals who do not hesitate in doing any kind of work. Helping your mother set the table, cook, clean the house, straighten out the bed linen and bring household supplies aside from contributing economically are some of the duties they discharge. They do their work on their own imparting a lesson on self reliance and independence.
7. No job is too small for you
While teaching you the value of money, he does not discourage you from signing up for a summer job or an internship program. He understands that the road to success is a long winding path going uphill. You need to be open to opportunities and work with a positive mindset.