7 Reasons to Thank Your Teacher

Photo Courtesy: SEE TEFL
A teacher is fundamental in building a child’s life because that child will go on to become a citizen of tomorrow. A teacher’s contribution must be profusely appreciated and thanked. If you too have had the privilege of growing up under a wonderful teacher, don’t forget to thank him or her. Here are a few reasons why.
1. Teachers are critical to nation building
You future is likely to be a reflection of what you are. If you have been taught to do wonderful things for your country, you will grow up with the same philosophy. A teacher’s efforts to instill good values and education in children go a long way in building the future of the country. So if you think that your nation has a bright future, thank your teacher for having given you the right values and nurturing responsible future citizens.
2. You owe your success to your teacher
One of the reasons you should thank your teacher is because you owe your success to him or her. No matter how small or big your success is, you must realize that you have come this far because of what you were taught by your teachers when you were young.
3. Teachers work tirelessly in spite of their jobs being deemed as thankless
A teacher’s job is commonly known to be thankless. But teachers continue to teach because of their passion for education. Years ago, if your teacher decided to take up some other career, you would have lost out on a wonderful teacher in your life. Thank your teacher for doing a so-called thankless job with so much commitment.
4. Teachers tolerated their students’ misbehavior
You may have unintentionally behaved badly and hurt your teacher when you were young. At that age, you may not have realized your mistake so it is important to thank your teacher for having forgiven you. Imagine the number of times your teacher must have tolerated misbehavior not just from you but other kids too.
5. Teachers help you learn from your mistakes
The real world may or may not give you another chance. But your teacher is most likely to have given you plenty of chances and opportunities while you were growing up. Thank your teacher for reprimanding you for your mistakes and actually using that process to help you to learn from them. Appreciate that you have learnt many things today because your teacher allowed you to make mistakes.
6. Teachers bring out the best in you
After parents, teachers are the best judges of a child’s personality and abilities. For example, if your teacher saw amazing artistic abilities in you when you were young, he or she may have spoken to your parents about it and encouraged you in every possible way. Teachers can intuitively recognize a child’s aptitude and qualities. You must thank your teacher for recognizing yours.
7. Teachers have no expectations
Very few people in this world these days are as selfless as teachers. When teachers invest their time and energy in you, they don’t expect anything extra in return in the form of cash or kind except their wages. Appreciate their selflessness and send your teacher a note of gratitude to make them feel on the top of the world.