7 Reasons Why Positive Reinforcement Works Wonders in Life

Photo Courtesy: prosto photos
Positive encouragement and support can work wonders; just a few good words of encouragement can give a great push to any person. Positive reinforcement works for kids as well as adults since everyone needs that appreciation and encouragement once in a while. Here are 7 reasons why positive reinforcement works wonders in life.
1. Encourages hard work
A person who is really dedicated and works hard should get some positive reinforcement; this would help him remain motivated to continue the hard work and achieve his goals. Encouraging a hard working person helps to keep him going and also helps him to take extra efforts.
2. Acts as an incentive
When a person who is very average at his work and is given positive encouragement he would realize that he is being noticed and would take this support forward by working hard and putting more efforts.
3. Boosts morale
For a person who is down and experiencing failure, positive reinforcement would be of great help. It would be like a boost to his morale and self esteem; it will help him build up his will once again. Sometimes when inner strength isn’t enough, a boost from an external source helps.
4. Encourages healthy competition
Positive reinforcement develops a spirit of competition. When a certain person or a few people are encouraged and appreciated others notice and realize that even they need to work hard and put extra efforts to reach that level.
5. Develops confidence
When a person lacks self confidence and is unsure of his own abilities then positive reinforcement plays the trick. It makes a person believe in himself and in achieving the tasks he sets his mind to.
6. Fosters positivity
Positive reinforcement gives way to a positive outlook and positive thinking. If a person is encouraged to work hard and gets positive vibes, he develops a strong will to succeed and will be able to avoid negative thoughts.
7. Makes one work for rewards
People love to work for rewards be it verbal appreciation or anything material. If people know they are going to be appreciated and rewarded they work hard and put in a lot of effort.