7 Signs that You Are a Cynical Person

Photo Courtesy: oatsy40
It is good to prepare for the worst but letting cautiousness destroy all your possible optimism can make you a cynical person. Read on to find out if you are a cynical person or not.
1. You think about negative consequences before doing anything
Cynical people have a tendency to preempt negative consequences of tasks or actions even before they actually commence them. They start doing things keeping in mind that failure is likely the outcome. If you too, focus more on expecting a negative result for something rather than putting effort in doing it right, you could be a cynical person.
2. You always prepare for the worst in life
One of the big lessons of life is to save for a rainy day and prepare for the worst, but that doesn’t mean you can never expect things to happen your way. If you don’t have a balanced attitude towards preparing for the worst and you are obsessed about expecting the worst all the time, you could be showing signs of being a cynical person.
3. You think celebrations are a sign of the worst things to come
Cynics may believe that life comes a full circle which means that happiness is followed by sorrow which is again followed by happiness. If you are happy in life, you need to enjoy that happiness rather than wasting that precious time thinking how you will deal with the sorrow that comes later.
4. You discourage other people
When someone informs you about a new item they want to buy or a new business they want to set up, how would you react? If you are likely to tell them that they should reconsider their thoughts without even hearing them out completely, you could be a cynical person. Giving other people cautionary advice is one thing and discouraging them from doing something just because you are cynical is a different thing altogether.
5. All your compliments and positive words have a clause
When you give anyone compliments, there should be no conjunctions like but or if added to your praise. That kills the essence of the compliment and makes it come across as fake. If your compliments always carry a clause or a condition, you could be displaying signs of being a cynical person.
6. You are constantly blaming others and circumstances for your failure
Cynical people always look at the negative side of things, no matter what the context is. They are known to find faults with everyone and everything in the world, but themselves. If you find yourself constantly blaming other people and the situation for your failure, you could be a cynical person yourself.
7. You don’t believe in the goodness of other people
Do you think that every person in this world has vested interests? Do you think that no one helps without being selfish? If you think this way and doubt even your close friends and family to have dubious intentions, it could be a sign that you are a cynical person.