7 Signs to Know When to End a Relationship

Photo Courtesy: whatmegsaid
It is difficult to know when to end a relationship even when things are going wrong simply because of the emotional attachment involved. The feeling of love can stop you from ending a relationship even if you are being treated unfairly. Here’s how you can be sure of whether it is the right time to end your relationship.
1. When your partner is abusive
If your partner is verbally or physically abusive towards you, it may be time to end the relationship. This does not mean that you think about breaking up at the slightest of name calling or a slight nudge. Look for signs that indicate that your partner’s behavior is getting constantly abusive towards you and that he or she shows no signs of remorse.
2. When your partner cheats on you
Cheating and betrayal are the last things that partners must do to each other. Whether it is cheating with another lover or cheating a partner financially, such acts of betrayal should not be tolerated. If you are facing a partner who has cheated you in any way, it may be time to end your relationship.
3. When your partner constantly lies to you
White lies are a part and parcel of most relationships. But if your partner takes advantage of your habit of tolerating white lies and starts lying to you viciously, it is time to reassess your place in the relationship. Talk to your partner and find out why he or she feels the need to lie to you. Get to the bottom of the situation so you can decide whether to end your relationship or not.
4. When your partner constantly takes you for granted
Partners who have been in a relationship for a long time may take each other for granted. If you think that your partner takes you for granted way too often, speak to him or her about it. Talk about how your patience shouldn’t be misused. If your partner refuses to change his or her attitude towards you, it may be time that you give your ultimatum.
5. When your partner disrespects you in front of others
No matter how badly partners fight behind closed doors, they are expected to treat each other with respect in front of others. Make it clear to your partner that he or she should not disrespect you verbally or by way of actions in public. A minimum level of dignity is expected in a couple’s behavior in front of others. If your partner cannot maintain these levels, it may be a sign that you should think about calling it quits in your relationship.
6. When fights and arguments never cease in a relationship
All couples in a relationship have their share of fights and arguments. But that does not mean these fights go on forever, all the time. Partners are expected to make up and get back to their adorable selves after they both calm down. If there are no happy moments in your relationship and the both of you are constantly fighting, talk about the situation with your partner. Even after giving it ample time, if both of you still keep fighting constantly, there may be something deeper that you may not be able to fix.
7. When you and your partner have opposite goals in life
It is absolutely fine to have different career choices and varying goals in life. But if you and your partner have totally opposite and contrasting goals, you may need to reassess your relationship. Don’t put your undying love and commitment into a relationship that has no foreseeable future.