7 Signs You Have Low Self-Esteem

Photo Courtesy: mrhayata
Do you always have to muster courage to do or say something even if you know it is the right thing? Are you always nervous and anxious? Here are a few signs that you might have low self-esteem.
1. You use the word sorry very liberally in your conversation
The word sorry is meant to be used when you want to apologize to someone or when you want to ask someone to repeat something when you couldn’t hear. If you keep saying sorry to other people for no real reason, it could a sign of low self-esteem.
2. You are always looking for approval from other people
People with high self confidence do what they feel is right regardless of the opinion of others. They trust their gut feeling and just go with it. You could have low self-esteem if you expect other people to give you approvals at every step. If you also have the habit of looking at other people expectantly after you say something, it could be a sign that you are seeking a response of approval from them.
3. You never reward yourself
Being strict and expecting a lot from yourself is a good thing and it can help you set high benchmarks in life. But if you are too harsh and don’t reward yourself for your small achievements, you could be thinking that your achievements are never worth celebrating. Low self-esteem could be the reason why you feel that your achievements are much less worthy than what they really are.
4. You cannot handle too many compliments or too much praise
A person with reasonable amounts of confidence is likely to bask in happiness when he or she is showered with praise or compliments. But this is not always the case with people who have low self-esteem. If you feel that you don’t deserve any praise or you feel uncomfortable when other people give you compliments, you could have low levels of self-esteem that make you believe that you are not worthy of praise.
5. You are always defensive
People with low self-esteem are known to get defensive every time they face the smallest of challenges. Because they have low self confidence, they start giving explanations and justifications even when they haven’t done anything wrong. If you have such a behavioral tendency and you curl up into a defensive mode every time you face a tough task, you could be suffering from low confidence and low self-esteem.
6. You are always in two minds
Whether it is a big decision or a small one, you are likely to find yourself in two minds if you have low self-esteem. This is because the fact that people with low self-esteem find it difficult to make up their minds. They always think of possibilities and the things that can go wrong. Even after they take a decision, they keep wondering if they did the right thing or not.
7. You avoid things when you are fearful
Do you generally avoid doing things that you fear? Whether it is a complicated task at work or a phobia, you could be suffering from low self-esteem if you find yourself avoiding such things. Your lack of trust in your own self may be the reason why you never want to conquer your fears and get rid of them once and for all.