7 Things to Do the Night Before an Exam

Photo Courtesy: fee-ach
We all experience different feelings on the night before an important exam. Some of us get really worked up and worried. Some others are relaxed and confident about their preparations. The extreme cases either get a panic attack and suffer from a temporary memory loss or don’t care at all and rest complete faith in the preparations of the people sitting around them in the examination hall. Well, here are a few tips which will help you balance out these feelings:-
1. Get yourself a stress down therapy
Don’t keep on revising again and again the night before. It’s not going to be very helpful. Instead watch a movie or your favorite TV show. Gossip with a friend for a while or just go for a mini stroll. Even a 30 min to 1 hour break will be good enough to keep you calm and composed.
2. Eat Well
Just because you have a tough paper next day, don’t skip your meals. Eating a light but tasty dinner can surprisingly make you feel good.
3. Sleep on time
A good night’s sleep will make you feel fresh with a clear head to go and appear for the exam.
4. Revise moderately
Do not over study on the night before the exam. Just go through important points and chapters. Also revise those points last which you find difficult just before you sleep. Those will stick to your head and remain there till your paper.
5. Picture yourself doing well
When you are about to fall off to sleep, picture yourself doing well in the next day’s paper. This is a good exercise and helps you feel positive about appearing for the paper.
6. Take the evening off
If you are confident that you are well prepared then you can take the evening off. Go for a light dinner or for a small spin with a friend. Talk about other matters.
7. Get into a hobby
If you have a hobby that makes you feel good, then do it for some time, may be for 30-45 minutes. You could paint or dance, exercise or go for a game. Any of this will be really helpful in calming you down.