7 Tips to Ask for the Salary you Deserve

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Are you feeling guilty to negotiate a salary that you deserve? Do you think that you don’t have enough things to say to your employer to demand a fair raise? Instead of going unprepared, know these tips which will help you to confidently ask for a salary that you deserve.
1. Show your contribution to the business in numbers
The easiest way to ask for the salary that you deserve is to show your contribution to the business in numbers. Show you boss how your actions have yielded more profit, saved cost or resulted in efficient processes that have saved the company time, resources and money. Your boss will immediately realize that you are aware of your contribution and that the company has benefited by having you on the payroll.
2. Don’t be guilty or afraid of negotiating a salary raise
Some people feel afraid of negotiating a salary raise, although there is no need to. Don’t be nervous or feel guilty about asking your boss for a hike in your salary. If you think that you deserve it, you have the right to talk about your salary with your employer. As an employee, you are giving your employer a service and if your boss does not feel bad about negotiating your salary with you, why should you?
3. Use facts rather than emotions
Don’t allow emotions to come into your negotiations about salary. Your boss will not give you a salary increase just because you really love your company or care about your job or because you have trouble paying the bills. Rather, use facts and figures to justify your position in the company. Use factual information like your performance levels, your targets, the number of years you have worked, etc. to ask for a salary that you deserve.
4. Practice your speech before you start to negotiate
If you keep fumbling while negotiating, things may not go as per your plan. The easiest way to deal with this is to practice all the things that you are going to say to your boss over and over again at home before you finally approach him. This will help you remember everything that you have to say to your employer and also help you build confidence in yourself.
5. Don’t be afraid of changing jobs
Don’t succumb to agreeing for a salary that is way less than what you deserve if you think you can easily get a higher paying job somewhere else. If you are confident that you will easily get a new job for more money, make it known to your current boss that you indeed, have the option of looking for work elsewhere if your company does not pay you the minimum amount of salary that you really deserve.
6. Know where to draw the line
Sometimes you have to take hard decisions when it comes to your career. You should know where to draw the line and what is the minimum level of salary you will expect. This is the amount that you must take home, else you will start looking for work somewhere else. Remember this amount in your head and be firm about it.
7. Find out the average salary for your job in your industry
An easy way to demand a salary hike is to find out if the average salary levels for a job like yours are more than what you are currently receiving. If that is the case, go to your employer and demand a salary that is fair according to industry-wide wage levels. Your boss is likely to realize that you have done your research well and that you are well informed.