7 Tips to Master Your Mind

Photo Courtesy: Jean Henrique Wichinoski
Being the master of your own mind is something that we all want. However, it is not so easy and can take years of practice. We give you some of the ways in which you can train your mind to help you achieve whatever it is that you want.
1. Set a goal
If you wish to control your mind, you need to understand what is the goal that you want to achieve. In other words, why is it that you want to master the mind. This will make things clearer to you and would help you stay focused.
2. Be rational
When setting your mind to attain a certain goal, try not to have the “all or nothing attitude”. Understand that no one is perfect and do not let minor setbacks make you lose your way. When trying to master your mind, you will be required to have immense patience and perseverance. Do not give up.
3. Meditate
Only a calm mind can harbor positive thoughts. Meditation goes a long way in making you relaxed and bringing a stillness of mind. You can mediate twice daily; once in the morning and once before you hit the bed. Once you get a glimpse of your inner world, it will make you aware of the endless possibilities that you have as an individual.
4. Thought control
In a day, you probably have a zillion thoughts entering your mind. However, you have the power to choose which thought you allow into your mind. If you are aware of your thoughts, then you will easily understand what is it that your mind focuses the most on and so you can change it as per your will.
5. Block negative thoughts
Learn to detach yourself from the thought that hinders your productivity and is an obstruction to your goal. Furthermore, it is not only important to keep negative thoughts from entering your mind but you must also make sure that you replace every negative thought with a positive one. To help matters, you can note down the negative thoughts that come to you so that you are more aware of what not to pay heed to.
6. Have positive affirmations
It is extremely important to have a lot of positive affirmations. Whatever you affirm will sink into the subconscious and become a part of it. Eventually, it will start dictating your actions and behavior.
7. Live in the present
The most important aspect of mastering your mind is to train it to live in the present moment. The past will only bring you regret and the future will fill you with anxiety. Make conscious efforts to continuously bring your mind back to the present because that is where you can put in the effort to improve on your past and make your own future. So, put some blinkers on your mind and focus on what’s right in front of you.
Category: Personal Development