7 Tips to Survive a Quarter-life Crisis

Photo Courtesy: tomwang ©crestock.com
Assuming that the average person will live for anywhere between 60 -100 years, you may experience a quarter life crisis when you are between 15 – 25 years of age. This is also the most important phase of your life. This is the time when you are getting educated while also making friends for life and exploring your tastes. This is the time when you understand more about yourself and develop likes and dislikes for things. This is the time when you pass through adolescence, learn about people and develop the core of your personality which remains pretty much the same from then on. If you are going through a tough time, here are some things that may help you survive the phase.
1. Aim for something
Lack of ambition or desire isn’t a really good sign if you are young. The ambition doesn’t have to be materialistic. It doesn’t have to be about career or property. But you need an ambition to fuel your life and the way to grow. Even exploring the world like a nomad is a reasonable ambition if you have the guts to make it happen. So, a good way of surviving your quarter life crisis is spending time watching yourself and watching the love you feel for things you do. If you do enough things, you will surely find something that makes you excessively happy.
2. Pick your tribe
Everyone belongs to a tribe. There is no point arguing against it. There is no point developing a general dislike for people. There are certain things you like doing. And there are other people who do the same things. Find that tribe and join them. You will make friends for life. Stick to them through thick and thin, especially when you are happy and are not going down the wrong lane. Friends who push you to bigger and better things are always found in college. They will be a great support during the crisis time and the maniacal mood changes.
3. Get good grades
Surviving your quarter life crisis is never made easier by classes and boring subjects. Nevertheless, try giving some time to your grades. It is true that many great people were college dropouts. But there were lots who did well at college on their way to achieving greatness. Take the subjects you love and then learn them well. This is for the simple reason that it will give you a skill that will help you feed yourself in the future. Irrespective of what you want to do, you must garner enough skills during the constructive phase of your life to be independent.
4. Fall in love
You cannot plan it, no doubt. Nevertheless, there is something beautiful about adolescent love. There is always something about your first love. It becomes a lovely memory for the rest of your life. In some cases, you head to quarter life crisis because of a breakup or because of rejection too. Nevertheless, anyone who has experienced that pain would only say years later that the pain was because you looked at it the wrong way.
5. Travel
You can survive a quarter-life crisis through exploration. Travel connects people of all kinds, mentalities and ambitions. It is the only thing everyone loves doing. Traveling can help you meet new people, have new experiences and in the process also understand a thing or two about yourself. And, there is always the bonus of seeing another patch of the world.
6. Avoid comparing
Comparisons spoil your life. They aggravate your pain and increase your doubts. You can never be happy or satisfied once you start comparing yourself with others. You only see the things you lack and never see what you have that others don’t. Therefore, to survive your intrinsic disappointment, stop looking at what others have. Instead it is better to look inwards and find more about the gifts and resources that you have been given.
7. Look for mentors
There are good people. There are people who have seen pain and have survived and are still living their life. Seek the company of such people. You need mentors who can show you the way by lending you a supportive hand during the toughest moments. Such people also ensure you don’t go on the wrong track to avoid the pain of your quarter-life crisis. Instead, they steer you towards your goals by motivating you and reminding you that you have it in you to deal with the situations you face every day.