7 Ways of Staying Level Headed in a Major Crisis

It is common for people to get ruffled, nervous and anxious in times of crisis. To stay calm, collected and level headed in troubled times, here is what you can do.
1. Engage yourself in a hobby
Hobbies can come to your heed when you are passing through a rough patch in life. According to your interest, aptitude and inclination you can pick a hobby and pursue it diligently to keep yourself busy. Not only will you learn a new skill but you will also remain distracted from your troubles. Hobbies will help you to stop worrying about your crisis all the time.
2. Meet new people
Meeting new people through the internet, forums, clubs or social groups can be a refreshing change for you to stay level headed in times of crisis. By speaking to people, you may get a glimpse of their life and realize that everyone goes through troubled times, not just you. Meeting new people will make you feel comforted and this may help you to stay calm and collected.
3. Talk to a close friend or relative
Crisis can lead to the bottling up emotions in your heart, so it is important for you to undergo catharsis by opening up to someone. By talking your heart out to a friend or a relative, you can lighten up the burden that you feel inside. You may also get some valuable insight and advice about your troubles from a third person’s viewpoint.
4. Feed affirmative words into your psyche
‘You can do it’, ‘Don’t worry, you will get through this’ or ‘Tough people last, tough times don’t’ are the kind of positive affirmations you can use on yourself when your lifeboat is crossing choppy waters. It may seem mechanical at the outset but such words of encouragement are known to subconsciously make a lot of difference and they may increase your confidence levels.
5. Avoid rushing into things
A crisis can make you feel disoriented and it can even cloud your vision. This may disable you from making good decisions and you should be aware of such a state of mind when you are facing a crisis. Avoid rushing into something or making a hurried decision just because you can’t think straight. Don’t let anyone take advantage of your crisis and talk you into doing something that you don’t want to.
6. Filter advice that you get from friends, philosophers and guides
When everybody knows that you are facing troubled times, they are likely to give you lots of unwanted advice. Be careful in choosing what advice you follow because the people who give it may not be aware of the context of your circumstances. Half knowledge is a dangerous thing and you could fall deeper into the quicksand of your crisis if you take unsolicited advice.
7. Consider the positive aspect of the crisis
To stay level headed in a crisis, take into account the positive elements that the crisis may have brought into your life. During the first few days of your crisis, it may be difficult for you to step outside your crisis and consider its positive aspects. But once some time has passed and you are able to reasonably think soundly, try looking at the bright side of things. Every cloud has to have a silver lining and so does your crisis.
8. Plan the future
At some point during your crisis, you will have to stop being grumpy and take charge of your own life. By taking steps to move on from your crisis and plan your future, you may be able to stay focused and calm.