7 Ways to Stop Feeling Insecure

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Do you constantly feel insecure about yourself in a social situation? Do you always put yourself down and feel bad about not being as good as others? Here are some ways in which you can stop feeling insecure and feel happy about yourself again.
1. Stop over thinking situations
Insecurity is often caused by over thinking a situation which may result in creating negative thoughts. Over analyzing any situation can also make you see things in a way they were not intended to be seen. To avoid feeling insecure without any reason, stop over thinking in all situations whether you are alone, with friends or in a social gathering. Take everything at face value.
2. Find out the root cause of your insecurity
What is the root cause of your insecurity? Does it have something to do with your weight? Does it have something to do with your underperformance at work? Does it have something to do with the problems in your relationship? To stop feeling insecure, you must first identify the root cause of your insecurity. Pin pointing the specific reason will help you to be better able in dealing with your insecurity because you will know exactly what area of your life you need to work on.
3. Stop worrying unnecessarily about future events
Insecurity can be a result of unnecessary worrying about future events. Stop asking yourself illogical questions based on assumptions and skepticism. What if he makes fun of me? What if she does not like me? What if my boss shouts at me? What if I fail in the test? These are the type of questions about future events that you need to stop worrying about. They create unwanted emotional stress which can be the cause of your insecurity.
4. Trust in yourself
Placing full trust in your own self and your abilities is very important if you want to stop feeling insecure. Be very aware and mindful of all your skills and talents, and put your full trust in them. Stop doubting yourself and stop questioning your worth. If you trust yourself, there is nothing that can stop you from getting anything you want.
5. Build your confidence levels slowly
Low levels of self-confidence may be the reason why you are feeling insecure. To deal with this, you will have to reaffirm the confidence that you have in your own self. Give yourself pep talks and build your confidence one step at a time. This is not something that will happen instantly so you will need to patiently wait for your self-confidence levels to inch up gradually.
6. Be in the company of good friends
Are you feeling insecure because all your friends are making fun of you? Are you feeling insecure because all your co-workers are ridiculing all your efforts? Sometimes, insecurity can be caused by external factors such as negative influences from friends. If this is the case, keep yourself away from friends and all the people who have a negative impact on your personality. Hang out with those friends who like you as a person and who are willing to support you all the time.
7. Join a support group
Most schools, colleges, workplaces and communities have support groups that reach out and help people dealing with various issues including insecurity. If you think that you will fell less insecure if you share your troubles with someone, join such a group. These groups generally have activities in which everyone can take part to build up self-confidence and learn how to mingle with different people without feeling insecure.